But I don't even like work

Oct 13, 2011 23:26

I've been working in Manchester for the last few weeks, though our office opened in Liverpool city centre this week. And everything's mad busy. It's usually two hours before I can even get a cup of tea (quelle horreur!) and check my e-mail. There's just so much do and not enough staff to do it. I also have 6.5 days' holiday to take before Christmas and I just don't have the time to take it, but we can't carry it over to next year. So frustrating! I may try and take a few days off in November to go and visit my Barcelona friends. I hate using holidays to just sit around online.

Then again, every single goddamn website except Google maps is blocked at work, so I don't have time to post to the VC comm except of a night/weekend, check newspapers and all that general faffing about I do online. I'm sorry for the protracted absence, you guys. It's especially bad when I feel like our beloved LJ needs all the support it can get right now, with people flitting off to Tumblr (great for photos, not so great for blogging) and *spit* Facebook. I hope to get a phone that allows proper web browsing soon.

I spent the weekend in London with squishypeanut, who is always a delight to be around and who always takes the opportunity to educate me in music. (I tend towards the most generic stuff if not pushed.) We saw lots of live music, visited the awesome Camden markets, ate good food and watched lots and lots of nerdy science videos.


                                       An honest-to-goodness, real live shark, Brighton

She also insisted I read Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!, a really good book of anecdotes from Richard Feynman. I'm getting really interested in all this ~sciencey stuff, though I don't hold with his assertion that there's little to be found in humanities. I love my literature and poetry and all that, so sorry. But he's very funny and interesting. I'll review the book soon.

I just really feel like I need a few days to wind down and write up stuff for my LJ, write fic and continue with my original stuff, maybe draw a little. This month's very busy for me with birthdays, social stuff and work, but when the arsey long nights draw in come November, I'm sitting down with some green tea and writing, so help me God.

Anyway, what are the haps, my friends?
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