I know your name! But maybe you've forgotten me.

Aug 25, 2010 19:21

Jeeze, I can never keep up posting here. It feels like I have, like, a miiiillion things to do all the time and sadly my LJ usually ends up neglected because of it. =( Poor bb. Here, have some luffs. *pets*

I could spend my evening just ranting about how much I don't like my job, but I guess I'll spare my FL the indignity, such as it, uh, were? Although I will say I'm getting pretty sick and tired of being minimum wage management for the past three years. I thought there was some sort of Michigan law about going a certain amount of time without a raise? Eh, I could be wrong. The constitution wouldn't look out for the little guy like that. =P

In the meantime, I've been looking at my options regarding this year's JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) and I've come to the conclusion that I'd probably never have enough money to go to Chicago (the nearest testing center OTL) on my own, so I'm considering taking out a loan to cover the trip expenses. Maybe I'll make a weekend of it? Anything to get me out of town for a little while. But the other question is: which test should I take? I've never formally studied Japanese, so there'd probably be some elementary concepts I'd be completely clueless on, but I don't want to take JLPT 5 (the easiest level) either, since it kind of feels like I'd be wasting my time if I breezed my way through it.

In other news! I have, oh... Oh boy, I'm back up to four magazine subscriptions again, lawl. Of course there's the obligatory Asuka (which I'm considering dropping anyway, 'cause about all I read in that one is Barajou no kiss... but The Conductor is pretty sweet, too, and so is Yakumo, I'm discovering), Young King (Gotta get some seinen in my diet! Sekai no Mikata is buckets of fun.), Aria (Ehhh, I'll try it out for a little while. Its smut looks intriguing, at least), and who could forget Sylph? (Ohohoho. Somehow I'd convinced myself that it was, with the exception of Birdcage, disposable after SLH ended, but there is some REALLY cracked up stuff in there. I might post about it later, lawl)So... So... What the hell point was I trying to make here?


/I got nothin'.

my life in comic books, what?

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