I need to post more. D=

Jan 05, 2010 12:38

So, NEW YEARS RESOLUTION PART 2, post at least once a week? SO FAR, PHAILURE. Wait, that was last year. It'll be different this year, right? ...Probably not, but hey, it'll look better if I start the year off right.

I figure if I don't make any REAL resolutions this year I won't feel bad for inevitably breaking them. >=D


So I've been busy with that whole scanlating thing (and if you guys aren't reading The Sleepy Residents of Birdcage Manor, you totally should be) and haven't had any time to post. I'm sure you all knew that, RIGHT? Yeah. Oh man. Seriously nothing to write.

I watched a new anime last night, Sora no oto. It was a KON rip-off. Oh well, at least I got half an hour of enjoy... well, diversion out of it, so it wasn't a total loss.

On that note, I've been getting out of anime lately (the most recent one I watched was Tora Dora, and that was, hell, last summer!) and into manga; more specifically HORROR. >=D I'm reading one called BioMeat Nectar, and it's pretty much fabulous. Tentacled monsters and everything. Oh, and I've been turned into a raving Berserk fangirl by one of my fellow staffers on TP's forum, and... Jeeze, I went out and bought, like 17 volumes of it. Sure, it helps that most of them were from a killer ebay auction, and the others were from MY FAVORITE BOOKSTORE EVER that's closing this month (=,( I'VE NEVER BEEN SO SAD TO GET A GOOD BARGAIN), but let's not go into semantics! Either way, it's fabulous, amazing, etc, and I highly suggest it.

....Wait, that's all I've got to say. HI GUYS, I STILL LOVE YOU! Even if I don't comment all the time, I still read all of your posts. >=D
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