Old Memories Replayed

Sep 13, 2010 02:17

Came home from work and played more. (I level-grind at work during breaks while I'm deployed). Little less than a week for Terra.

Oh, Why are we keeping Vanitas’s past a secret from him?



Wow, I took him on pretty well...

OH, Eraqus...

Why did he want to hurt them???

“My own Heart is darkness???”

He fades... Jedi much?

Oh Terra... I wanna cry, too...




MAN. Okay, let’s visit somewhere else a bit to level...

You level Peter Pan and get... Tink? How does that even work? Oh well. DO A BARREL ROLL TERRA

Hey! It’s Peter!

LOL, Terra looks like an easy guy to trick. Yeah, he’s at least as gullible as Sora, if not more so.


...That crater looks like an upside-down Mickey head...


Evil Whirlwinds = End of the World Evil Bubbles

Okay, Giant Unversed=VERY ANNOYING. But they’re still pretty squishy...

WOW, that sticker’s high... I wonder if...

YEAH, get under it and wait for a whirlwind to pick you up!

UGH, they don’t respawn when you leave the area and come back... Guess Castle of Dreams is still better to level... *Sigh*

*Several abilities, melded commands, and a couple levels later* I’m sick of this. I hope level 44’s good.

Wait, a what-blade? ...Was that Greek?

Yeah, Greek. Oh, Nomura, ha-ha.

“Put an end to me.” There’s that line... GAH.

WOW, not a bad replication of that scene.

And sure, you get Terra angry, he plays right into your hands...

(Written after three battles)

WHAT the crap...

Okay, So Xehanort’s that conscious when he’s losing his heart? (Okay, here we go again with possession)...

Terra’s heart in in a suit of armor??? HEY ALPHONSE, Nomura ripped you off! But how does that even work? A suit of armor isn’t a body. Is it that his heart’s that strong? Or was a Heartless formed under such strange circumstances he could keep his mind? This makes no sense...

Richard Epcar... That was your best job, yet. I believe this. And it seems like you studied Zane’s mannerisms in those classic lines. This I can do. After hearing your commentary, I grew to respect you as a VA. And now, I respect the work itself in its entirety. *Gets on one knee* I will never whine about Zane again.

And you said “Submit.” That was lovely.

HARD fight... Got him, though... Ars Solum rocks... If it even hits. Sonic Blade was better... Dark Haze, Windcutter and Fire Surge were okay, but only okay. Focus was great on the last two, but this guy was FAST. (And he has a cure spell, WTFUZZ)

And... All I get... Is the light overtaking us... And Terra vowing to set things right. Playing Ven will be a reward by itself, I suppose.

Oh, instrumental Hikari for the credits! And villians! ...AND RIKU

...That sounds like the waves crashing in the background... Like the KH1 opening music, plus the original SFX. Huh.

New save file...!


Oh, TRINITY ARCHIVES... Let’s see... OMG YAY THEATER MODE Thank goodness, I was all "Oh, jeez, really?"  Okay, I can save fewer times now.

AAAAAAND I just learned there was a Xehanort report in Mirage Arena I needed. CRAP. ...Well, guess I’ll go pwn Terranort... Again... *Sighs.*

Okay, final thoughts on Terra: This game so far pulls a lot of “how does this even work” stuff, but there’s still plenty of time for explanation, what with two more characters. I feel sorry for Terra, but I still think, even after the Destiny Islands cutscene, that I’ll identify more with the other two. Ironic, since I love Riku so much.

However, I noticed quite a few differences between the two characters. Terra doesn't seem to hide his emotions so much.  Riku also seems to have better common sense, and a weaker moral compass than Terra. Terra seeks out approval.  Riku does not. Terra is also more awkward (and adorable) in various situations. Riku was used, as was Terra, but Riku was suspicious from the start and acted accordingly until desperation took him. Poor Terra was a tool.

That being said, both characters are very protective of their friends, and want to be strong enough to keep them safe when the time comes. The two honor authority (though Riku it varies. Maleficent and Hook may have been his superiors, but he wasn’t very respectful at times.) Eraqus or Xehanort could tell him to cluck like a chicken, and Terra would say "Yes Sir!" Riku would at least ask DiZ why, albiet not rudely. They are both very insecure about their darkness, though, at least early on.  And they both like power. Both fall to darkness, and both are possessed by Xehanort in some fashion. And both, without bodies of their own anymore, are able to hold Xehanort back.

I’ll try to do comparisons for the other two, for fun.

OKAY, Time to make my avatar, Mirage Arena! Then I’ll make Xehanort eat my Keyblade. Again.

kingdom hearts, birth by sleep

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