(no subject)

Dec 13, 2007 18:10

Rewatching one of the Malice Mizer clips, namely "Beast of Blood".

Did anybody else notice that Kozi (at least I think it was Kozi), or maybe Yuki u_U; Couldn't see the face properly on youtube. Anywho, did anybody notice that he had the Yanki hair?! O.o;;

Feeling very nostalgic about JRock of the past.

The only band so far to sit right with my ears is S.K.I.N. - but no surprise there. It's Yoshiki, Sugi, Gackt and Miyavi.

Speaking of Gackt...

WTF is with the new song Ai Senshi?

...I want old Gackt. Give me old Gackt. He replaced all the beautiful piano and strings with generic guitar. I want to kick him. Kick him hard.

....back to reminiscing now.
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