And how much of a pervert am I?

May 09, 2006 23:46

I was bored and looking up hosts last night. Granted, it was also research for my essay. But.. still. Yum.

Anyway, lookie what I found!




Granted, 85% of the hosts around are not that attractive - or at least, I don't find them to be. But it's worth rummaging through the 85% to find the few that are truly perv worthy.

They're both from Club Acqua in Osaka.

No prizes for guessing what I'll be buying myself for Christmas >______>''


P.S. I am going to justify my bout of superficiality with the fact that I'm bored and fed up with relationships and 'personality', when 90% of the people I date have none. ( TT__TT ) So there!
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