hey beaux. yeah, it has been a while. europe was amazing. so, did you get married to a man named enriquez? or did you just add a name for fun? either way, you're hot, and i'm coming to california in a couple weeks. i'll be in the sanfran berkeley oakland area. will you be around? we could have lunch or somethin. word. holla back. woot.
so that means you guys will be in claremont? ask joel if he is coming up to any of the greek shows in berkeley on aug 15-17. i would love to meet both of you guys. is it very easy to get from san fran to claremont. it would be my dream to get to see the folk music store and everything. but i'm flying into and out of san fran. keep me updated on stuff. you know any really cheap places to stay in san fran?
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