Aug 04, 2005 20:22
Wow...I gotta tell ya, I have the best friends I could ask for. Last night, Barett came over and we checked out my new car and then grabbed dinner and headed off to church where we tried like 100 times to fit the slip cover on the couch, but didn't quite work. We got to listen to Dan & Allyson lead worship which was fun..and quite physical. I love the songs because one told you to jump up and down and act crazy..all for God. No one looked stupid b/c we didn't care, we were doing it for a good reason! Then me, Briana, Barett, and Kelly all went to Panera and just had a great conversation. Then we went to the "crop" circle (-gang-) and sat and was great. I haven't had such a good converstaion and so long and it was all centered around God. It was AMAZING. Isn't that crazy that there are people out there that you can just sit and talk to and walk away being totally amazed at how much fun you just had?!?! Wow was I blessed. Today I've been cleaning my room and reading, or skimming Crime and Punishment (which is bad b/c I already have hate in my heart for that class and the year hasn't started yet). Molly and Mom got home and they brought me a fish flashlight (?) and jewelry which was nice. Then me and my dad went to school to try to learn how to park in a space w/o hitting other cars, and of COURSE the entire football team, with their shirts off, were sitting the in parking lot talking. I was soo emabarssed. Sarah is coming over tommorrow night and then in the morning we are leaving early for Gulf Shores..can't wait to go!! So excited.