Oct 11, 2010 19:41
Name: Ashelia (Ashe) B'nargin Dalmasca.
Age: 19.
Birthday: July 29th. (Non-canon.)
Height: 165cm, 5'5".
Weight: 57.27kg, 126lbs.
Eyes: Blue-gray.
Hair: Sandy blonde.
Blood Type: A+.
Medical Info: She has had no injuries that a potion or two couldn't cure.
Physical Traits: She has no distinguishing characteristics, but she does wear a wedding band on a necklace.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Aaanything? Just remember your manners with the queen-to-be~.
Abilities: idk my bff video game character? Ashe can play hard and heavy with swords, and I played with her dealing in White, Green, and some Time Magic.
Notes for Psychics: Nothing of note! She has her quiet and impassioned moments, and is generally a moderate level of noise. Ashe will be displeased if she finds you in there though.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Ask and ye shall receive.
Hugging/Kissing/Other non-violent physical contact: Ashe will be wary of it from strangers and friends, but you're welcome to try!
Maim/Murder/Death: Can has phoenix down? Anything outside of comedic deaths need to be talked through though.
Cooking: A princess does not cook.