Mar 03, 2012 13:42
Where to even begin?
Usually I would psot some vague status on facebook and vent there to anyone who cared to comment or inquire about what was wrong...but as I've given facebook up for Lent, this is my alternative. Sorry for crowding anyone's friend feed with somethng annoying.
First, my most recent ex is getting a man. She thinks she's in love and who knows she could be. All i know is that he doesn't return the feelings. He's doing it for a green card. Every single one of her friends has an issue with the man, but she isn't taking this into consideration. You'd think that if all of the people you had in your life before him didn't trust him, or thought he had an agenda you would take that into consideration. I'm not even jealous about this. Its not why i'm upset. I'm over her, but she was a very good friend before we got together and i would like to one day return to that. She'll hear my opinion on the matter before the wedding day. If i know her though, she'll ignore it and do it anyway.
Second. How do you make a minor realize that she has misplaced her affections? I'm 25 years old and i seem to have attracted the attention of a 16 year old. As far as i know she's never dated a girl before so maybe its just curiosity. Besides the fact that i am in no way attracted to her, doing anything with he would break so many of my own personal rules its not even funny. I don't want to be blunt right away. I don't want to hurt her if its not necessary, but if it comes to that I may unfortunately have to do that.
Third. Girls are crazy. I met this girl (woman i guess you could say as she will be 28 i believe this year) in August of last year. She went off on me about a week ago saying how i've been distant the last coupl of months and i feel like everything she says or does is her attempt to seduce me. She feels like she can't be herself around me. and a whole bunch of other crap. Then after i respond I hear nothing from her. I see her at the bar last night and she acts like nothings wrong? Really?! How can people be that fake? I don't understand it. She's the one that brought up all these issues we apparently have and even though nothings resolved everythings ok? I don't think so. Might I add for the record that we have never been anything more than friends. This is again why I believe that the female gender is crazy, myself at times included.
Fourth. I've realized that i may have possibly lost one of my best friends. We did used to date, but when we broke up, we both wanted to be friends. But now we'll go months without talking. I'm pretty sure we haven't talked since my birthday which was a little over a month ago. Maybe i'm being a tad over dramatic, but I know we have definitely let the gap in our friendship grow. I'm just not sure how to go about repairing that friendship with an ex. What's the right way to do it? Is there even a right way?