Nov 08, 2008 23:03
First, to everyone who thought this was an update, i'm sorry. It's not. I've been so busy with work and trying to get some things organized that i really haven't had the time to write. That and i just haven't felt all that inspired. But hopefully i'll have a bunch of updates for you soon.
Second, i just needed a place to rant a little. I've realized that incessant bloggers are starting to annoy me. Don't get me wrong, i'm all for blogging. It's a way to get out what you can't say and keeps people you know updated on whats going on in your life. No, the blogging i'm talking about is when you need to get on the computer and write about every little thing that happened to you in one day. I think its fine if you update once or maybe even twice a day, but when you get on six or seven times a day just because one thing has changed since the last time you made a post. I can't tell you the number of times i get kicked off the comp in one day just so my sister can make a new post in her blog over on myspace. I think the last blog i made on myspace was like last year during christmas time. And the best part, is if i say something to her about it, then she's gonna get all melodramatic and say something along the lines that she never uses the computer and blah blah blah. So really there's not a whole lot i can do about it.
That's it for me for the night, i'm gonna go write now...