14 Happy Things

Feb 14, 2008 19:56

I hate Valentine's Day. I really, really do, because everyone goes batshit insane, and it makes me sick. So, since I have nobody to buy me flowers or candy or crap like that, I decided to make a list of things that make me happy.

1. My friends - my true friends, who will be there for me if I'm depressed and crying or if I'm just having a temper fit. The ones who bake cakes for birthdays and arrange girls' nights out for no reason at all, and always show up when they say they will. The ones who take me for what I am and are themselves around me. Even when they're not quite sure who they are.

2. I got a haircut on Tuesday because my hair was getting so heavy it gave me headaches. I liked it when she did it, but I washed my hair when I got home and it was horrid. So I bought a flat iron last night, and OH MY GOD, it makes my hair look nice. Why did I not have one before? Best $40 I ever spent.

3. Knitting, because I can create beautiful things from a pair of sticks and some yarn.

4. The fact that Comic Sans MS is not my go-to font for everything. Blech.

5. New episodes of Lost and Torchwood, and soon new Doctor Who. How are there so many pretty people in the world?

6. The WGA strike is over. Yay.

7. Going to Daytona in May, as a guest of one of my friends. Room and board at her expense.

8. Going to Dragon*Con in September, because I invited one of my friends. Room and board at her mom's house.

9. Going camping in May with a group of witches to celebrate Beltane. And it's the weekend before my birthday.

10. One month to go before my mom hears the final verdict on her disability. The judge approved it, but we still have 30 days wherein the decision can be audited.

11. My cat. 'Nuff said.

12. Reading good fiction, whether published or fanfic.

13. Writing something I'm pleased with. (Which I need to post, actually)

14. The fact that, for the first time in my life, I'm sort of okay with who I am. There are things I'd like to change about myself, but who doesn't have a few of those? I know who I am and who I want to be, and I'm just trying to be the best me I can possibly be. I feel like my purpose this time around is to learn to be alone, and I'm trying to cope with that. It's hard, but I'm dealing. And for the moment, I have a sister in the cause because her divorce won't be final until the end of March/beginning of April. As if that weren't enough to deal with, she thinks she may be gay, which is fun to watch from an outside perspective. One more and I get a toaster. :-D I'm glad I can be there for her, because I went through it alone, and I had the advantage of being 19 and carefree. She's 42 with two boys. It's weird to be the one teaching her stuff, but I'm enjoying it.


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