Has it been that long? REALLY?!! Holy f*ck where do i begin?

Jun 06, 2007 02:35

According to this thing i haven't updated since January? That almost seems wrong....maybe I'm just too stoned or something.
Anyway, tonight is a great night to update either way since:
a) Sam and I are house-sitting again

and b)Tonight I just started my new super super SUPER DUPER sweeeeet fucking job at the mall as mall maintenence/janitor. I slyly but certainly slipped out of my KFC job like a snake shedding it's skin or one of those crrazy crabs that keep finding bigger and bigger shells to move into as they evolve and need more room....
Today was mostly a training day so i didn't do the entire routine on my own but even still it seems like a manageable job either way as long as i do my best to stay on everyone's good side, not lose my key, and just keep paying attention/on my toes.

Not only am I at a new job but i've essentially just made some new friends. Jason, Ellie, and Sunday. I knew them before (they're mall crew) but now I'm going to be working in cohoots with them and tonight I got a heaping dose of fun and laughs with Ellie and Sunday. I don't think i was burdensome on them even as a trainee so that was also a very good thing.....

This was just the kind of work day that helped me put focus on the outside world instead of worrying about the inside. I was having some muddy feelings this morning/afternoon before work and feeling maybe a little lonely and whatever,....weird (hard to explain).
I've been craving Sam's attention like a junkie would crave black tar heroin lately....it's felt more intense and more hard to get because not only do i feel this way but in the last few days we've also been kind of rubbing eachother the wrong way here and there so....the more i cling the less better off I am, really.
Sometimes it feels like he has me on a sex diet. I want it all the time but he doles it out like those 100 calorie sorry-excuses for chocolate bars. Not to say my man dishes out "sorry excuse for nookie", quite the contrary....I dig it because he's practically the professor of boneology but that's why I want need need need want want it....BAD, HARD, AND OFTEN!!!
(ie: three times a day not once every three days!

Oh well, I'll wait. I'm just cozy with thoughts of sex and the sweet sound of sammy snoring. Sometimes it's just the little things that get you by....and I love him so much, really.

I was going to start a letter to my dad but I'm starting to feel a nodding kind of feeling with a side of heavy head so it may just be time to rest it (my head, silly!).

I dyed my hair blond. The two tone thing was getting old so I figured "what the hell"?!
I'll take the plunge. "I want a platinum blond life....so i keep bleaching out the color".....
Thanks gwen stefani...you're the greatest (You and courtney love, the two main reasons i went blond. selective blond admiration)

time for......

a couple more tokes as I send this off, and drift off to deep in the land of nod.

You'd better believe i'm going to write more tomorrow.

// au revoir mes amie

<3 <3 ashes to ashes dust to dust.
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