Feb 14, 2005 15:24
What is this obsession where people feel like they are nothing unless they have a significant other in their lives on Valentine's Day? I don't have a boyfriend, or anything close to a boyfriend, and I could really care less. I've had a really good Valentine's Day all by myself!! <3 Last weekend was beyond stressful. I feel like I could either let my grades suffer and have fun and be happy OR I can study all of the time (meaning NO FREE TIME or time to relax) and do well in college. Saturday night I literally had a nervous breakdown over the enormous amount of studying I have this semester. Anyway, I studied until early this morning for my Microecon test and got up at 7 to study for 45 minutes before Old Testament so I'm going on virtually no sleep. When I got back from OT to study for another hour or so before my exam I looked on my laptop and there was a Christmas card (niiice, lol), a teddy bear, and a candy bar from Erin. That is the nicest thing anyone has done for me in a really long time and it made my day so much better!! Then, I was very excited when I checked my mailbox b/c I actually had mail. Aaron sent me a bag of candy, Nicole sent me a little bag w/ candy and a card, Matthew sent me a Harry Potter card (I <3 Harry Potter which is scary b/c Matthew looks just like him, especially when he's wearing glasses), and my mommy and daddy sent me a card. Now I'm going to end my LJ update break by reading the first objective in A Case For Faith before Bible study, work on tomorrow's presentation, go to WalMart to get supplies for my presentation, and go to Bible study where I will see the John-Man. With all of this said, I love Valentine's Day. Who needs a romantic guy to profess his undying love for you when you have a naked man (Sir Cornellius)in your bedroom 24-7?
Love In Christ,
You cannot be mad at a random friend just because you feel like being mad at someone! AHEM! ERIN!! =)