Name:: Stephen Paul W.
today's date:: 5/30/06
place of birth:: Fucking small ass boring as hell town in West Tennessee
date of birth:: 8/23/82
astrological sign:: Virgo
job/career:: Been working at a Lawyer's Office for the past 8 years(No I'm not a Lawyer)
education:: High School
Height:: 6'5"
Hair color:: Solid Black
Eye color:: Brown
distinguishing marks:: I have a scar on my right cheek.
a color you like to wear:: grey
an animal you'd like to own as a pet:: Ferret
a flower you'd like to grow:: Dark Purple Roses
your lucky number:: 7
a smell that makes you pause:: French Toast
a taste that makes you melt:: Cinnamon Rolls
a hobby that occupies your time:: Computer/Internet
a sport you enjoy watching:: Football
A sport you enjoy playing:: Golf
a city you would love to visit:: Toyko
a country you would like to explore:: Japan
your fav. meal: Steak & Baked Potato
a drink you often order:: Pepsi, since I've never drank liquor in my entire life.
a delicious dessert:: Cheese Cake
a game you like to play:: Grand Theft Auto IV
a book you strongly recommend:: Anything by Henry Rollins
a magazine you read most frequently:: Haven't read one in a good while.
music you like to listen to when alone:: Anything from Any Genre
an artist you listen to:: To Many to Name
a band you love:: To Many to Name
the film you would watch over and over:: To Many to Name
a tv show you watch regularly:: To Many to Name
a piece of clothing you love to wear:: Black Cap with white NIKE Logo on the Front
fav. time of day:: Midnight
your favorite place to sit at home:: My Bed
what you most like to do on sunday:: Go to the Movies.
your motto:: I am me through & through. If you don't accept me for who I am on the inside rather than the outside all I can say to you is: FUCK OFF!!!!
The Fruits of your labor
your watch:: OCC(Organe County Choppers) rocker type
your cologne:: Get back to you on this one when I find one.
on your wall hangs:: Movie Posters & Photos
under your bed or in your closet you hide:: Under bed nothing & In closet right now 2 small gauge shotguns & a .22 pump rifle.
when you sleep you wear:: T-Shirt & Boxers
if you had a safe, you would keep: Coin Collection, Birth Certificate, Some #1 Issue Comic Books, High School Dipolma, & Computer CDs
things you like to buy:: DVDs, Posters, Video Games, Books
if you could afford it at this moment, you would afford:: A Trip Around the World with a close friend.
you collect:: Coins, Comic books, & Collectibles
you don't have a lot of:: Shoes
your prized possession:: My 51" Big Screen HDtv
you have cheated.: Never been with anyone & I still would never cheat even when I was with someone.
you believe hitting a child is a form of discipline:: Yes & No; depends on what they did.
you practice a religion.: No
God has spoken to you.: Not sure
You apologize.: Yes
you keep a diary.: Yes, it's on my laptop.
you like to cook.: No
you exercise regularly.: No, but I definitely need to start.
you sketch while you are on the phone.: No
you have read a book in the past.: Yes
you replace the toilet paper roll immediately.: Yes
you like crossword puzzles.: Never tried one so I don't know if I would or wouldn't.
You have visited the Eiffel Tower.: No
You have a secret you have never shared wtih another person.: Yes
You wait until the last minute to fill your car with gas.: Don't own a vehicle, but I'm seeing about getting one of the New Version Mini Coopers.
You snore.: If I do I don't know about it.
You read in the bathroom.: No
Being sick on a vacation.: Yes, but that was when I was 5 or 6.
You often have people over at your house:: Never, since I all the people I thought were my friends turned out not to be any friends at all.
You like America.: Sometimes.
You can remember jokes.: Yes
You play cards.: Yes
You fold your underwear.: Yes
You talk in your sleep.: If I do I don't know about it.
You eat fast.: No
You recycle small batteries.: No
You often avoid paying full price.: No
you like hiking.: Yes
you like being on the phone: Only if it's someone I know or like talking to.
You set your watch a few minutes ahead:: No
You are always late.: Most of the time.
You often get headaches.: From time to time.
You smoke.: Hell No! But I don't have a problem with anyone smoking when I'm around them.
You write letters regularly.: No
You believe in destiny.: I believe that there is a path with many different roads leading from that path where you can choose whether to go on it, or continue on your usual way...That's what I believe.
You brush your teeth three times a day.: Yes, I brush twice at night before bed.
YOu have something you wish to confess.: Yes
You change your bedsheets weekly.: No
You bite your fingernails.: Never
You have gone to a movie alone.: Many Times
You have taken a vacation alone.: Not Yet
You read the newspaper every day:: No
You have fired a gun.: Many Times
Less is more.: I think it depends.
You know who are you.: Yes
You enjoy being photographed.: Depends on who's taking the picture.
Life treats you well.: Yes
the emotion you tend to hide the most:: Loneliness
the emotion you seem to experience the most:: Friendliness
a moment you achieved absolute happiness:: Meeting a future friend.
You have a great amount of guilt regarding:: Not saying my feelings sooner rather than later.
You would feel envious right now if:: I entered a contest & someone else won besides me.
When you're happy you need:: To Smile.
When you're sad you need:: To Be Alone.
When you are sentimental you need:: Celebrate.
When you are angry you need:: Walk Away.
When you are in love you need:: To tell the person you are in love with how you truly feel about them.
When you are lonely you need:: Music
you would jump up and down if someone told you:: If one specific friend showed up at my front door.
sunset OR sunrise: Sunset
sweet OR sour: Sweet
sahara OR himalaya: Himalaya, I'm use to the cold.
dolphin OR eagle: Both
hot OR cold: Both
coke OR pepsi: Pepsi
soft OR hard: Soft
train or plane: Train
yesterday OR tomorrow: Tomorrow
red OR blue: Both
Fast OR slow: Fast
Beatles or Elvis: Both
blind OR deaf: Deaf
open OR closed: Open
bath OR shower: Both
square OR circle: Circle
fire OR water: Both
Lightning OR thunder: Both
BLack or White: Both
Ocean OR forest: Both
Dogs OR cats: Both
day OR night: Night
leaves OR roots: Leaves
Left OR right: Right
Cremation OR burial: Still not sure.
victim OR criminal: Criminal
even OR odd: Even
Written or Spoken: Written
Woman OR Man: Man
Carpet OR hardwood floor: Carpet
city OR countryside: Countryside
Vanilla OR chocolate: Chocolate
House OR condominium: House
sun OR rain: Rain
briefs OR boxers: Boxers
pen OR pencil: Pen
Horns or Strings: Strings
Summer OR winter: Winter
Spring OR Fall: Spring
horizontal OR vertical: Horizontal
Destiny OR choice: Destiny
Alone OR together: Together
New York OR Paris: Paris
Silver OR Gold: Silver