We Americans should be ashamed of ourselves. Those young people who want to be doctors, screw you. You are not going to medical school to help people. You are only there to make money if you ever graduate. Sure, at first, you want to help people, but later, you are just hoping you will be doing enough surgeries just to buy yourself a corvette.
If you ever think you would never throw a patient out of a hospital in a million years, then you don't really know yourself when you have been working in the field for more than ten years. You don't know that your heart would be corrupted by then.
Those who want to work for HMOs, screw you. You are much worse. If you think you wouldn't ever turn down an operation that might save a life just to save half a million dollars for your company and thus get a promotion, you are naive. Even good people can turn over a leaf.
Just watch the movie. This country disgusts me.
Once again, Michael Moore doesn't rock or suck. He amazes people. He opens their eyes. We need more people like him.