Uhh. Wow. I've been insanely busy this week~
Today, we started our dance unit in gym class. At first we did these really simple line dances (this one dance had a "wiggle" move to it, if you know what I mean ;P) and then we moved onto...drumroll, please...partner dancing! So I was forced together with this nervous boy who kept box-stepping too quickly, and my teacher kept having to correct him. Oh well, I did okay, I suppose!
Last night we had our black belt testing, and the two people testing for their first degree black belt made it! I was really excited for them. Passed my midterm (really, unless you have no idea what you're doing, it's impossible to fail) and so now I'm a spiffy 9th midterm. All I have left until 2nd degree after this midterm is passed are 10th midterm, testing for 2BR, and then testing for 2BD. I'm so excited, because if all goes well (that is, I pass every testing from now on) I'll be testing for 2nd degree decided in December. Heck yeah!
Well, that's all, folks!
And whoever calls me strange for not participating in Day of Silence, just remember than not everyone shares the same "values" that you do. Just a heads up. They should do a Day of Silence for Catholics who are ridiculed because of their faith and then I'd definitely participate, mmkay? So there.
By the way,
tv_fan90876 , our mitosis video is AMAZING. Just amazing.