Jun 03, 2004 20:53
well, today was certainly eventful.
For those of you who read this, you may or may not have known about a huge fight i got in with my best friend, kelly, in oct. basically, we haven't talked since then. However, i decided to suck it up and apologize for what i said to her. A BREAK THROUGH FOR SAM (swallowing her pride)! lol.
So I IMed her and basicaly she said the same thing I did and we talked for awhile. That was cool.
She mentioned she has a boyfriend *pause and sighs* lol. yes, my loyal readers know what this means. The boyfriend issue has been brought back to Samantha's attention...
In response to that i hereby sign this pledge...
I, Samantha Ellen M******** (no last name giving online *nods*), hereby swear that I will not dwell on the boyfriend issue. I do not need a boyfriend nor do I want one. If the oppourtunity does arise, then we shall see... Until then, Samantha Ellen M********, is single and living it up.
Samantha Ellen M********
Christina will be glad to hear that, lol.
Let's see... I had to run into work today to drop off my social security card. Mom is being a bitch about me getting another job *rolls eyes* that's pretty much all i did today. Hung around, slept in late, all that good stuff...
yesterday was interesting. I can't say it was good because of work and I can't say it was bad because of hanging out, so we'll leve it at interesting...
It was my first day back at work... WHOOOOPEEEEEEE *looks around at the people staring at me like I am a loser*. I dislike working with Gary very much. He is crazy... Simply put. I also had to work with Nicole (name? *shrugs*). Like no one talked. I hardly managed living through the 4 hours... and to think tomorrow I have to work 6. damnation. When i got to work i tried putting my code into the time clock and my name didn't come up, so I had to hunt down Joyce to find out what was up. Apparently, the Finacial office told her that if we were returning from working last year, we didn't need a certain form. Well, we found out yesterday that we do need it to get paid. *look of disgust*
After work i decided to fix my computer. THANK GOD! It works now! lol. One week of being online deprived. Not good for Samantha.
Question... Why do i refer to myself in third person? Anyone?
After that I had to pick up christina from work. We went to The Zone to pick up hassan's comics. I nearly rear-ended a car because of a god damn idoit who doesn't know how to drive. I HATE BAD, IDOITIC drivers! When we got there, they didn't have them. The came in today. hrumph... lol.
then we went stopped at the book store and looked around while waiting for her dad to get home (she didn't have her keys because she left them at hassan's house or in his car or something) so we had to wait for him. So we finally get to his house. We then went to Panera for dinner and got ice cream. yum. So then i went home...
I finally saw a cicada... that's cool
Stuff I Haven't Written About Since My Last Entry :
* Trip to Pidgeon Forge (i was ok... bought a LOT of stuff)
* My Computer modem got fried... nice
* Working in Goff's room.
Stuff Coming Up:
* SAT Saturday
* ACT in two saturdays
* Summer Board in two weeks
* Trip To Chicago
* Trip to minneapolis
* Trip to Beloit (college in wisconsin that I'm looking at)
and I'm out...
samantha ellen m********