Jan 22, 2003 21:55
Morning: I had a nice long sleep on the bus today lol. I had actually done my make up at home for the first time in forever. I’m so proud of myself! Lol…anywayz…
Math: nothing…boring blah. Though I did figure something out. But Mrs. Stewart didn’t call on me
French: we signed a card for Tate…long story she was hit by a car and in the ICU now. And She won’t be coming back to school this year. Its so sad cause she was so nice and sweet! So we all signed a card for her. Ummm…we didn’t do much else.
Lunch: Talked to Christina. Didn’t do much. Ummm…She said that Andrew’s dog got shot and she is freakign out because it might have been her dad. And she said, “Samantha! If my dad could shoot Andrew’s dog what would he do to andrew or aaron?” I was like oh lordy….don’t think of that.
Science: Watched stupid things. Got LUCKY big time. Science fair projects are due in two weeks. And we present for four days. SO lucky me! I go the fourth day so get an extra 8 days to work on it! Yes!!!
Study hall: nothing
Bored meeting: did nothing. Discussed nothing…wait! Mrs. Goff says she wants me as secretary. She said that I’m weel grounded and could do any job! I love compliments. She said the perfect bored would be, charles and kendra sharing president. Ruth as the vp. ME as secretary, Darliss as historian. I was like yay! Lol
At home I did nothing…I did stop at market day with my mom…got free cookies ;)
I talked to angelah for awhile. She is so sweet. Lol. I promised her I would work on the story Monday when I had off.
Get this…we now have to go to school march 7th (which is terrible) and we get off feb. 12. Weird? Yea. The 12th is a weds. Basically our tachers were threating to strike and some other stuff. This sucks though cause the 7th I’ll be on my Quebec trip. Before I was only missing 2 days of school. Now I’m missing three. Two of which are my hard days. Not to mention Feb. 13th is caravan to the capitol so I’ll miss class then. And March 28 is convention so I’ll miss class again then! Lol.
Newayz, gotta go sleep. Byzeers