Here we go then. Some thoughts on The Curse of the Black Spot which, as I'm doing this quickly, will mostly consist of silly things that I enjoyed...
- Rory's awkward little wave at the start. I love him.
- Pirate Pond = best thing ever. I'm seriously considering that outfit for my next fancy dress party.
- "Cuddle me, shipmate." Giggly drunk Rory is also rather pleasing. "Look at these brilliant pirates. Look at their brilliant beards. I'd like a beard. I'm going to grow a beard." I love him even more.
- And here comes Lily Cole. She didn't have to do much except float around looking pretty (and occassionally scary) but she did it very well.
- The Doctor has a pirate hat! It had to happen. Oh, and now Will from Emmerdale has turned up as a cute dying kid.
- There's a pirate in the TARDIS. Hugh Bonneville. As a pirate. In the TARDIS. How can you not love that?
- "I'm confused." / "Well, it's a big club. We should get t-shirts." I NEED ONE OF THOSE.
- EYEPATCH LADY IS BACK. She's always looking through a hatch, like she's looking into a cell. And "It's fine. You're doing fine. Just stay calm." It's like she's trying to be reassuring but she's freaking me out.
- OK, when she took Toby, I kind of assumed they weren't dead. They wouldn't really kill the cute dying kid.
- And now we're on the spaceship. I'm kinda wondering if all this stuff about mirrors, temporal rifts and gateways to other planes is going to be significant in later episodes.
- Might have laughed quite a bit at the Doctor wiping alien bogies on Amy's coat. I'm such a child.
- "Toby!" / "Rory!" / "The TARDIS!" Awww, he loves her so much.
- All this Amy/Rory shippiness is making me very happy.
- The CPR scene. At the beginning I was calmly watching thinking "well, he's obviously going to be fine" but by the end I was yelling "BREATHE RORY! PLEASE JUST BREATHE!" quite a lot. Well, when I wasn't yelling "DO SOMETHING DOCTOR! DON'T JUST SIT THERE CHEWING YOUR NAILS, HELP HER!" And then he woke up and everything was all right again.
- Space Pirates. I don't care if it makes sense or not, it's awesome.
- "You only call me Amelia when you're worrying about me." / "I always worry about you." No wonder he's worrying about you love, that test still can't make up its mind.
General thoughts: I quite enjoyed it. It was fun and silly and yeah, there were a few plot holes and inconsistencies (like that one pirate disappearing) but hey, this is Doctor Who. It's not like we've never had those before. Mostly I was just glad to get a relatively straightforward episode so I could catch my breath. And it had pirates. What's not to like?
I'm all caught up now and ready for the next episode. So ready. And so excited.
I really should get some sleep now.