so this is what i've been doing

Mar 09, 2011 00:38

Has it really been that long since I last updated this? I am clearly no good at this.

OK, so what's been happening? Not much, but have a list anyway.

  • Today my mum told me that it's not her fault that she never remembers anything I say to her, it's just that "when it's of no interest to me, I just stop listening. I don't want to waste memory remembering stuff that's not important to me". I don't know if I should be annoyed that she doesn't think anything I say is important or amused that she seems to think she's Sherlock Holmes.
  • I discovered that it's very hard to read DWM when there's a cat walking on it. Or a large dog lying on it.
  • I read flameish's Thesis on Why the Eleventh Doctor is Amazing, originally posted as an eight-comment epic at f_march_madness. It's like everything I wanted to say about why I love Eleven but couldn't find the words for.
  • While we're on Fandom March Madness, it's reminded me how much I loved Farscape. Got to rewatch it sometime.
  • Also, Eleven made it to the last eight! Come on, Doctor!
  • I saw this video of filming for s6 last night. I was so excited about the return of Craig and the new jacket and the cute baby that I didn't even notice the bloody CYBERMAT! And then I did and exploded with squee. I NEED TO SEE THIS NOW!
  • LJ, would it kill you to send comment notifications in a timely manner? It's been days for some of them. This is not helpful.
OK, that's it for now.

livejournal, doctor who: s6, rl rambling

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