july releases!

Jul 16, 2010 01:03

The Eight and Charley marathon may have to be temporarily suspended: I have just downloaded Cobwebs and Situation Vacant. I've got the whole weekend though, might manage all of them!

[In the interest of making my icon more relevant to this post, the interesting thing India said in the podcast. She was talking about recording Eighth Doctor Short Trips audios and how she listened to Sheridan Smith's performance to get Lucie's voice.

India: I listened to one where... oh, am I allowed to say what I listened to or has it not come out yet?
Nick: I don't know. What?
India: Where she was in...
Nick: No, you can't say that! I mean yes... eh, she's left!

So, India heard Sheridan playing Lucie in something that's not out yet? More evidence for my crazy theory? Or maybe a Lucie Companion Chronicle? Who knows. As before, probably reading too much into it (if it was some massive spoiler, they surely would have edited it out) but I live in hope.]

big finish podcast, crazy theories, doctor who: big finish

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