can kickers and macho studded, sexist asshole pigs

Oct 13, 2003 00:31

sick again. it fooled me into thinking it was gone and then BOOM, its back. pretty lax day, slept watched a little of the cubs game cooked chicken for the house. i got dragged into going to the can kickers show. got there to this nice preppy house and nothing was going on so we went down to the meow meow and hung out at that show for a while. went back and saw the can kickers, whose drummer is one of zac's friends, definitely not what i expected, even better than i imagined. having a blast dancing until the show got stopped by a few girls calling us macho studded sexist assholes. i dont understand, were just trying to have fun, show the band that we liked there music and we get slandered like that. classism at its finest. tommorow im going over to zac's to watch the game with sick of it all and the unseen and then recording for our new 7 in. should be a fun time. i got unemployment so ill have money. gotta start thinking of the perfect birthday gift. this week looks to be nothing but watching baseball, how fun.
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