Take It All Away 3/25

Apr 10, 2011 23:51

Title: Take It All Away
Genre: Action, Drama
Pairing: Roy Mustang/Edward Elric, side Riza Hawkeye/Jean Havoc
Rating: T (PG-13)
Summary: In a time when a hero is needed most, tragedy befalls Roy Mustang. Someone is aiding the Homunculi from within Central and whispers of a completed Stone echo through the corridors. Can Roy stop this disaster before it's too late?

| Part One | Part Two |

Disclaimer- Still don’t own it.

Chapter Two

Morning found Ed asleep in the chair next to the comatose General's bed. Papers were strewn around the chair, left to rest where they'd fallen from the boy's limp fingers when sleep claimed him. The duration of his night had been spent pouring over research paper's he and Alphonse had managed to gather during their last job. The nurses had even overlooked his staying the entire night, their resolve dissipating when they entered the room and were met with such a heartbreaking sight.

But now as mornings first rays were spilling through the window, it was not to illuminate that of a boy sleeping peacefully, but a boy ensnared in a nightmare. Edward's brow was furrowed and his legs brought up to his chest in a near-fetal position, his hands clenched in the fabric of his pants. A light sheen of sweat made his skin appear to glow in the early morning light. The scene generated was breathtaking, yet it pained the heart to behold it at the same time.

A knock on the door brought the boy from his tormented sleep, golden eyes opening in surprise. "Y-yes?" He stuttered, rubbing his eyes in an attempt to dispel the sleep that still clouded his vision. He barely managed to rise to his feet before Ed’s brother opened the door a bit, peaking inside before opening it all the way.

"Good morning, brother." Alphonse greeted, revealing a tray of food he'd brought to bestow upon Edward. "Did you sleep well?" He inquired as he sat the tray on the table in the corner. He turned to see his brother glance at the bed, disappointment flashing briefly on his face. But the emotion was gone as quickly as it had came, so Alphonse decided it best to not comment on it.

Ed hummed in reply and sat down, staring at the food before him. "No changes." He whispered, his eyes never leaving his breakfast. The golden eyes were unfocused though, and Alphonse knew at a glance Edward was referring to the General.

"I'm sorry brother. Maybe tomorrow…" Alphonse recited, knowing he could say nothing more to comfort his brother. No matter how many times anyone told Edward he wasn't the cause of Mustang's injury, Edward would continue to blame himself. Even if Mustang one day awoke, there was no guarantee he would be the same man they all once knew.

If that ever happened, Edward wouldn't be able to forgive himself.

"Maybe." Ed replied, though his voice held no hope. He held his fork loosely between his fingers and began pushing his food around on the plate. He suddenly went stiff and turned flashing gold eyes to his brother. "What is this?" He demanded through gritted teeth, his finger pointing at a carton of milk on the tray.

Alphonse rubbed the back of his neck, retrieving the offending drink and setting it in the window sill. "Sorry brother, you know how the ladies in the cafeteria are. You can't blame them for trying. You are looking really pale Ed. It wouldn't hurt to eat a bit."

Edward sighed and stuck his fork in the middle of his eggs, bringing a small bite to his lips but not chewing it. The look on Alphonse's helmet clearly said he was not amused. "…Fine." Ed conceded and began to eat the food before him.

After the first bite Ed realized just how hungry he really was. He began to shovel the food in his mouth, a glimpse of the vigor he once had when he ate returning. He glanced up at his brother once he was done and noticed the look of reliefAlphonse held. He smiled sadly in response and wiped his hands on his pants, fixing his eyes on the new stains they now held. "I'm sorry for worrying everyone. I just…I don't know. I-"

"Brother, we all understand. We all feel responsible for what happened to the General, but we just have different ways of showing it."

"You mean like you and your alchemy?" Ed inquired, having noted his younger brother's ever present Alchemy books. He glanced at Al's right hand and found one of the aforementioned books tucked under his arm.

Al looked at the floor and nodded, looking like he'd just been scolded. Edward felt a pang of regret that he'd been the one to put that look on his brother's face. He hadn't been acting like much of a big brother in the past several weeks-- he’d been too wrapped up in his own misery to even notice how much this had tore up the others.

"Al, c'mere." Ed said, rising to his feet and stepping away from the table. He watched as his brother sidled over to him, an uncertain look on his face.

Al's eyes widened as Ed closed the distance between them in a few steps, his eyes determined. He didn't realize his brother's intent until he felt arms wrap around him as best they could in a hug. Al smiled and returned the hug the best he could, bending slightly at the waist.


Anxiety was in the air at a small encampment just outside the skirts of Ishbal. The troops were scheduled to invade the city the next morning, destroying an entire race if everything went according to plan. The people of Ishbal had stepped on too many toes in the military to continue to go unheeded. The Fuhrer had decided the best course of action was to silence the rebels.

A raven haired man sat in his tent, staring at the key to their success. The low light emitted from a lantern in the corner caused light to catch the blood red stone, giving it an eerie glow. His black eyes never wavered from the stone in his palm, transfixed. He didn't even look up when another man entered the tent.

"There you are." The other sighed, taking a seat across from the silent man. His eyes fell on the object that held Mustang's attention, a slight frown marring his features. The look was quickly replaced by his trademark grin. "You're awfully quiet."

Roy Mustang finally looked up and focused on the man before him. "Maes…"


"Should we call the Elric brothers?" One of the nurses asked from her place beside General Mustang's bed. She held his most recent charts in her hands and kept them tucked to her chest, as if afraid they'd disappear.

The second nurse shook her head, a sad smile on her face. "No, Maddie. News like this would only cause them to worry more." She said with a mournful glance towards the man in the bed. "We'll just let things play out as they will. There's no need to take the chance of hurting those boys any more than they already have been."


"Winry! What are you doing here?" Alphonse laughed as he ran over to greet his childhood friend.

Winry Rockbell smiled at him and hugged the large suit of armor, laughing when she saw Ed running to catch up. Apparently even after he'd grown a bit taller he still couldn't keep up with Alphonse‘s quicker pace. Then again, not many could.

"He-hey! What are you doing here?" Ed asked as he tugged the girl into a tight hug. He pulled back to get a good look at her. She wore her usual black tube top and jeans, with a red bandana in her hair.

Winry hadn't changed one bit.

"I came to see my two favorite boys!" She replied, grinning from ear to ear. Her smile was a bit strained, but it went unnoticed by the teens. Winry was grateful for once that they didn't examine every detail like Mustang did. That reminded her of the real reason she was here. "Actually…Edward, I'm here on business."

"Business?" He repeated, tilting his head to the side. He slowly grinned and rubbed his shoulder. "My auto-mail's in top condition, Winry. No need for you to-"

"I'm not here to work on your auto-mail, Edward." She cut in gently. "I'm…here for someone else. General Mustang is close enough to consciousness that I can perform the procedure without doing any damage." Her blue eyes were fixed on the ever present wrench that was clutched in her right hand.

"Wait a minute. Mustang's getting auto-mail? But that's insane! Does he not even get a say in the matter?" Ed snapped, his temper and confusion mixing. He took a step towards Winry, not even noticing how she took a step back in response until her back was literally against the wall. "What if you do something wrong and he gets hurt? He's bad off enough as is!"

"Ed I-"

"Brother, calm down!" Alphonse demanded, laying a hand on his brother's right shoulder from behind. "Winry is only doing her job." Ed turned to protest but Al cut him off before he had the chance. "Winry's skills are unmatched. She's the best at auto-mail, and you know how many people who would back that statement. I would think you would be one of them."

Edward hung his head, flinching slightly at the truth of his brother‘s words. "I'm sorry, Winry.” He offered roughly, gaze still on his shoes. “You know I don't doubt your skills-- I know first hand you can perform miracles. It's just…he's already in bad condition, and auto-mail is tough on even the strongest person." Ed sighed and looked up, his bangs curtaining his eyes so no one could see the tears that were threatening to fall.

"Edward, look at me." Winry commanded gently, tilting his head up slightly with a finger under his chin. "Every time I see you and Al, you both can't stop talking about Mustang. From what I've gathered, Mustang is a strong, stubborn, and mysterious man. Do you really think he would let something like this slow him down?"

Ed and Al both shook their heads, eyes downcast. Had Al not been a suit of armor, Winry would have bet they looked identical standing like that. "Exactly. Now don't worry about it. You need to get back to work, and I need to get to mine."

Although he still looked uneasy, Edward nodded and hugged Winry again. "Thanks, sis." He said and kissed her cheek before running back towards the building. Alphonse followed his brother, begging him to slow down.

Winry smiled and put a hand to her cheek, watching the boys fondly. She was glad that Ed was slowly returning to the boy they once knew. She'd visited once before, right after the accident. She'd never forget the emptiness Ed's eyes had held. She prayed that Mustang would wake up soon, so maybe the General could help bring back the light in those eyes.


"We can't send the troops in there! It's suicide!" One man argued, slamming his hands on the desk in front of him.

The man who sat at the desk remained impassive, his hands folded in front of him. "I suggest you return to your tent, soldier. Tomorrow will be a long day." He then returned to the paperwork that littered his desk.

The conversation was clearly through.

The other man returned to his tent as ordered, but he found no sleep.


"Edward come quick!" Kain Fuery called, running after the Elric brothers. Both boys turned as he caught up to them, doubling over and trying to catch his breath first. "The C-Colonel…." The man panted, trying to find the air to finish his sentence.

"What about him?" Ed demanded shortly, his eyes narrowing. He turned to Kain and gave him a narrowed look. "What about Mustang?"


The Elric brothers were off before the poor Sergeant could even finish his message.


Author Note: I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned this to my LJ readers just yet, but if you’re interested in reading this story all the way through, you can find the completed version on my Fanfiction.net account under the same penname. However, please be aware that the chapters that are not found on my LJ yet are the original, unedited versions.

Thanks for reading, as always!

fma, fic, take it all away

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