(no subject)

Jun 03, 2010 12:48

Hey guys, bad news.

Unfortunately, I just killed my fourth laptop computer charger in the last year. Even more unfortunately, all of my files were on the now dead-as-a-doornail computer. In summary? I won't be able to get an update of Munin out until I get a new charger for my computer, and even then it will be a few days for me to edit things, send the chapter out to my beta, and then get everything spit-shined. If you're wondering why it was taking two weeks on this update in the first place, well, let's just say it's a huge chapter.

I'm hoping to get a charger off of ebay later today, but it will take 3-4 business days for it to get here, so it won't be in until sometime next week.

Note to self?

Buy a desktop.

Second note to self?

Remember to back up all files. Duh.


computer problems, fic news, real life

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