
Jun 25, 2006 12:38

And He wrote: I am glad you were there 2 help me through all the bad times. I hope I helped you through some 2. We try to always be around to help each other. I made some mistakes and you have 2. We always will make mistakes. Our friendship is definately not a mistake. I cherish our friendship. It's our style to keep it true. These are some feelings that I just had 2 get out. They are 2 good to keep 2 myself. I really do hope that you understand this. Love ya.

Ahh, when I got online today, I found that message sent offline from one my really good friends..* Anthony Shane Mellard I really wasn't expectin that message, but I was really glad to get it, it made me smile...Brought tears to my eyes and everything..* Made me realize how damn lucky I really am* You know I may have problems, emotional and physcial problems..* But that doesn't mean shit when I have friends like I do..* they make my life soo much easier.* They make me tha happiest person in tha world..* I promise each and everyone of you all includin you Shane, I will NEVER EVER take you all for granted..* You all mean soo much to me! You don't even know..* there are times that some of you have actually saved my life, kept me from goin overboard..* Ya'll have showed me soo much, and gave me somethin more to LIVE FOR.! Thank you soo much, you don't even know how much you all have helped me* I LOVE YOU ALL WITH EVERY SINGLE LITTLE BEAT OF MY HEART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Shane* You *&* I have been thro alot..* And I mean alot..* I'll never forget tha first time we met, which was in middle school..* You had that long bushy hair, it made me smile.* I liked you and flirted with you, even got my cousin to walk by you w/ me and smile, cuz you know that was tha kewl thing to do back then..* I'll never forget tha time we were on *Valerie*s porch listenin to Jeff Foxworthy.* We thought he was tha best thang that ever happened.* Or that time Val *&* I were sittin on tha deck near tha pool, and you and ol Thomas squirted us with those ice cold water guns and we eventually jumped in tha pool...* And we had that big ol swimming contest..*&* all of us lost, cuz none of us went straight..* LMFAO* Or that time *You, Thomas, Val, & I decided to play basketball. Girls against guys..*&* YOU GUYS LOST, cuz we were naughty lil girls who showed a lil skin to WIN! It was always harmless fun back then. :) I'll never forget goin to tha church and hangin out, cuz there was nothing else to do, then havin to leave the church cuz we said the f-word way to much.* Gettin tha cops called on us at tha CAR WASH* *You puttin sounds on my icq and everytime I hit backspace it would say *DAMNIT*, walkin up to tha water tower, that hill was easy to walk up then! Or that time down by tha river..* At tha tree swang..* On tha 4th Of July* Val and I were just growing up and learning new things..* The talks we had..* You losing your BUTTON..* BUTTONLESS* Carvin our names into that bench..* One day, we'll go back and see if they're still there! Talkin on tha phone.. ALL THA TIME!!!!!!!!! "Wat I was humming*, *okay HUMPER...* *I wouldn't be talkin BUMPER* SHUT UP BUTTONLESS!!!!" All those little arguments we had..* Screaming at each other..* COOTIES..* I'm not your friend anymore, then makin up within 5 minutes..* I'll never forget all those times we had, and all those memories we shared..* We were so young, so innocent, yet so happy, nothing ever bothered us..* We were fearless..* Would do anything..* We even thought we were being watched on tv by another planet..* I mean come on, it doesn't get any better than that!

* Wat I'm tryin to say, is I love you ANTHONY SHANE MELLARD* You've always been there for me too, and I thank you soo much* I love you with everything in me..*&* I'll still be here for you, even when you think I'm not..* I'll always be part of your heart, like you'll be part of mine..* I'll never in a million years forget all tha great times we had, or tha bad..* HAHHA* Thank you soo much for everything you've done for me..* *&* I hope I'm as good as friend as you are to me, cuz you deserve that and MUCH MUCH MUCH MORE! I love you *&* thank you..* I'm speechless, I dunno watta say???????

People don't understand how great is it to have a friend, but yet how hard it is to lose one..* they're so much like family, that it's not funny.* They're apart of who you are..* Don't take em for granted. Cuz Wat if Tomar never comes?

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