(no subject)

Feb 01, 2011 11:46

Threadhopping with this character?: Totally cool.

Backtagging with this character?: Also totally cool.


Hugging this character?: Also cool.

Giving this character a kiss?: Sure!

Something more intimate?: It's... Elle. So yeah.

Relationships?: Open to it! Just... expect some issues.


Punching this character: Cool with it.

Injury?: If it's major, please check with me first.

Death?: ... Depends. Do you want me to cut you?


Freeing/Capturing this character:

Is there anything you do not want mentioned near this character?: Nope, we're good.

Is there anything you need us to know about interacting with this character?: She's not the brightest bulb and has Daddy issues like whoa. She's not a bad person, but she has done petty things out of spite before (spilled wine on someone else's dress, for instance). In short, she's much saner and nicer than her television counterpart, and I love torturing her. So we're good.

Anything else, please mention here: That should get it!

v :: chains_of_grace

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