(no subject)

Jun 09, 2011 15:47

 So. I was at work, rolling carob truffles (which are fantastic) and I happen to look up and out the windows in front of me.

and..it's dark 
getting dark 
and gloomy.

And I notice that it's deathly still. No leaves are moving, nothing. 
So then the girl I work with went outside, came back in and said something about the air being thick...
then it got darker. 
Then I went to close my windows, came back in and the power was out. 
and...it got darker. 
the power came back on, and I'm not even exagerating on this one
it looked like it was nightime
at like 2 in the afternoon.

the storm came. 
which was like whipping wind, pouring rain, loud as fuck thunder, hail. 
It went away mostly, it's raining a little and thundering a lot. 
We don't have power at my house, but because we have solar panals we're running on that right now which is awesome.

It hasn't lightened up much either. Still pretty dark, and the thunder is still threatening.

Vermont is pretty crazy as far as T-storms go, we get them a lot, and because we have so many trees....lots of trees come down when we have bad ones. 
I didn't see any on my way home from work, but I saw a few that were leaning a little.

I honestly love thunderstorms. 
and I love being able to run off of solar.

So I'm gonna go read a book, and write something.

it's a good rainy day for it.

Also, the "detect" button things I live in Mount Holly Vermont,

it's very wrong. 

rain, weather, thunderstorms, stormy

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