Oh, hey, a survey.

May 19, 2011 16:18

 First off, how are you feeling today?
Tired, but happy, I think.

How's the weather?

Do you own any fingerless gloves?
Yes leather ones even.

What is your opinion on lederhosen?

Last time you went out to eat, where did you go? What did you order? Was it tasty?
I went to the place I work, I had the roast beef sandwich, which has horseraddish mayo and herbed goat cheese on it, and it was delicious.

Do you write things down that you find funny so you don't forget?

Tell me about the last animal you touched.
One of Sissy's dogs.

Have you ever witnessed a birth?
No thank god.

Can you see your reflection from where you are sitting?
Not really.

Quick! Sniff the air. What can you smell?
The house and flowers.

What color are the walls in the room you are in?

Have you ever been in a restroom that actually had a restroom attendant?
No, but that would be sweet.

What do you hear right now?
Alice in Chains.

When you say I'm fine, are you actually fine, or just saying that?
It depends on the situation.

Do you have a secret that you've been hiding for many years?
Not really.

Have you ever known something that no one knew you knew? How do you deal with that situation?
Probably, and I think it would depend on what that certain thing was..

Does it bug you when people crunch on ice?

What was the last photo you took of?
My coffee.

What do you look for in a mate? Physically and personality-wise.
Physically: Long Hair, nice eyes, nice arms, pale... Scandinavian looking ;-) 
Personality:  Nice, funny, doesn't feel weird about picking on me, caring.

When you hear someone tell a story or joke wrong, does it really annoy you?
Depends, not usually.

Your thoughts on bacon?
mmm bacon.

Why is it when something is hard, it's compared to brain surgery or rocket science?
Because...those things are...hard?

What are your thoughts on little kids with cell phones?
It's kind of insane. I didn't get a cell until I went to college, but like 8 year olds have them. It's kind of scary how plugged into the grid we are. We can't function without the internet and constant connection, and there's something wrong with that.

Ever seen a elementary-school kid with a nicer phone than yours?
I'm sure.

Out of the 7 deadly sins, which are you most guilty of?

Speaking of guilt, are you feeling guilty about anything right now? What?
Not really.

What was the last lie you told?
I don't know.

Do you work out?
When I can.

Describe the last cup you drank from.
The cold cup from work that has my iced coffee in it.

What is a food that you always are in the mood to eat?
I don't know...

Do you like sausage? (the food, you creep)

Have you ever been to a Chinatown?

Do you prefer chunky or creamy peanut butter?

How do you like your eggs?
Over Easy

Do you make a wish when you blow out your birthday candles?

If you tell anyone, does that automatically void the wish?
I think that when I wish on 11:11, but usually just that one...

Describe your hair at the moment.
It's up, and kind of a mess.

Why do girls go tanning when it just makes them look orange?
Because they think being tan is sexy. 
I tend to think the opposite, because I'm weird.

What was the last thing you searched for online?
I have no idea.

Do you use any scented lotions? What do they smell like?
I don't because my skin hates fragrance like that. So I can use them in small amounts, but not like all the time. So my lotion is unscented.

Do you have any friends that speak any languages you don't understand?
Yes, and I'm really jealous. Someone teach me how to speak languages other than English! 


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