Dec 28, 2007 13:01
I feel like I have rejected my little LJ.
I've started many posts on here, and then decided...I don't want to type. So I just don't.
Fall semester went well. Best one so far, I must say. Thanks, Adderall.
Next semester is going to be a breeze as far as the studies. I'll be working my ass off otherwise...but I do love it.
Christmas was nice. Same ol' usual. Didn't get anything, really. Nothing to run and tell about.
Saw Lindsay Fine perform last night! Amazing. A-fucking-mazing. Never better. SO wonderful seeing all the old alums.
I've recently been going on a musical downloading spree. Got anything for me to download?
New year coming up. THANK GOD.
Intersession starts January 2nd. Which means I'm back in Oxford on New Years Day. I don't think I've ever been more ready to get back to school in my life.
Hookah bars are incredible.
I'm...talking, I suppose, to a new girl. Very exciting. I give it a week, tops. Hey. At least I know I can.
We got season tickets to the Orpheum. WOOT. Mom and I are PUMPED.
...I have nothing else to say.
goodbye my almost lover