Better late than never, I suppose. :3 From Christmas cheers to Moe Note madness, Kallen has been there and done that.
Christmas fanservice! Picture albums lead to nostalgia Gonna sum deep thinking Kallen hitting on people?! Impossible COMMENTS
Ash/Laharl aftermath + some dead talk Lelouch is officially legal A wild Shirley on island! Yukina "orz-ing" over Christmas Chii makes her own humble abode Shirley, you're jinxing Kallen ): Keiichi gettin' some reindeer action *insert Spider-Man theme song here* C.C. and cacholate Sora, is that outfit even Christmas-y enough? Chase ridin' dirty on a white van Arcueid is having a White Christmas Shirley gettin' sum mistletoe action with Lelouch~! Meanwhile Kallen and Ash are lip-locking :> ... Chii-ta Claus?? Saya may have hit her head TOO hard :< The Party Advertisement of Haruhi Suzumiya Sexy lingerie + a date from the Island?! Some bonding time with Okita Ai~land~shiteru dating sim antics courtesy of Renge Keiichi wins loud and proud, Haruhi gets pissy Gd it Lelouch, stop your teasing (part 1) This song's not dedicated to you Lulu, rly (part 2) Pizza Hut in C.C.'s brain Kaminaboobs DO NOT WANT Saito gets whipped by underwear? Musical mood rings top Mion? Zelman and teen mags do not mix Kallen got herself a stalker Bo, that's not how you pick up women :| Eat your cereal and fatten up, Lelouch Ichigo, your pick-up techniques suck... ... and so does your explanation Moe Note 3: Sexy Paradise Time with Lelouch! C.C. makes Lelouch into her man-slave :> Taking over the inn much, Lulu? Issac and Miria: The Troublesome Twosome THREADHOPS
Don't get too drunk, Morita :< Mikuru and her moetastic singing *_* To find a song just for ChiiEpic hot springs post lead to encounters from the following: