Dec 08, 2006 13:00
Never Coming Home
By: Adam Snow
Why does the abusive parents
give a damn about their child?
When would they know that all
children's are tender and mild.
This is way to wild. Especially
for a child.
Everyday children's are abused
by their parents, but yet they
denied it. To children's when
they are abuse it's like fish
caught in a net. Do you think
abusive children's are set?
Well far from it.
What is this day coming to,
when there's more abusive
parents in the world each day?
Well let me tell you what I
have to say.
Each day more than half of
abused children's/teens would
take a knife and end their life.
It has known that a lot of abused
children's/teens feel so alone.
They would even leave a note for
their abusive parents saying,
"Never coming home."