Rating: PG13
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Pairings: Damon/Bonnie
Disclaimers: Don’t own The Vampire Diaries, nor any recognizable characters.
Author's Note: Kinda wordy, but whatever. “Lust,” the last one on this list, is going to be a full-on oneshot if I can manage it.
Word Count: 201
They are each others' weakness, and it will lead them to temptation. Pride. Envy. Wrath. Gluttony. Sloth. Greed. Lust. Damon/Bonnie, seven-shot.
Originally published 11/29/09
Damon is a greedy person.
Which is why he convinces himself that he doesn’t just want Bonnie.
Last week he found himself worrying about whether she thought he was sexier when he wore his white button-down or his black one… How unsettling it was, then, when he realized just how much power she held over him.
It scared the shit out of him.
So it’s more of a greed thing when he tells the witch that it isn’t working, that he doesn’t just want her, but Elena, too (liar, his conscience screams). And when she rushes out into the raging storm, glittering eyes cast downwards, he doesn’t bother telling her to be careful, that it’s a full moon and there are all sorts of things out there that could harm her. That he doesn’t know what he would do if she got herself into trouble, but it most certainly wouldn’t be good, and would probably involve the words revenge and massacre. That he… really doesn’t not love her.
Instead, he just stands there, shell-shocked, in the foyer, rubbing his aching cheek where her fist collided with his jaw.
Because, in acting on his greed, Damon has just found himself entirely alone.