Feb Update

Feb 01, 2006 23:58


Jacob's good, he's a bit colicy (spelling) from the formula we're forced to feed him because Alisha's milk just never came in. But he's so happy, he's all smiles when we talk to him, and he's really starting to react to the enviroment. He's held his head up since like 2 weeks, but then again, we're talking about the boy who would stand and support his weight at 3 hours old when we tried to burp him his first time. Not great balance yet, but good God he's strong.

Alisha's healing nicely. I have the lovely job of repacking her everyday now that the hospital said she was healed enough for us to do it ourselves. Yummy. But it's nice to get some time to hold her and attempt to make her feel better after the pain of repacking the wound. And I get to see her nekkid. Woot. :P

Work sucks, but whatelse is new? I'm about to start negotiating for orders, and we're thinking of seriously attempting to get Hawaii. Woot! We're also thinking of Re-upping my enlistment, something I honestly didn't ever think I'd be saying, but I have new things to worry about, and the job market just isn't secure enough for someone with my lack of college. I'd love to get out and score myself a $70.00 an hour job like I hear other ETs for the Navy doing all the time, no degree required, but I can't risk it either. Not to mention I have 3 years left on this tour, unless I reenlist. Then I only add a year for ~$11k in bonus post taxes. Not too shabby, I gotta say.

Still playing EVE Online, and loving it. A lot of the guys from PlanetSide have come over to it, and we all play together in random drunkeness and hell-raising on TeamSpeak. Hilarity ensues.
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