
Apr 29, 2011 03:58

So I was bookfacing around tonight (this morning....whatever) and I was searching my old HS for friends I had missed perhaps...ok so I was looking to see which bitches have gotten fat. Sue me.  Anyway, long story short I found a listing for someone who shares my biological fathers name.  It wasn't him, too young, but it did get me thinking.  I've never met the man, never really cared to...but still...a little look around google never hurt anyone did it?  So I googled around and found something just plain old wierd.

My mother told me that my biological father's name is Donnie and that he has a twin brother named Ronnie and that there was like a triplet named Lonnie that died or something.  So long story short I found an obituary listing from my hometown for Ronnie.  I read through it and the information in the obit matched what little I know of Ronnie (who I actually met once at a resturaunt breifly...it was VERY WIERD)  Now don't get me wrong, I'm sorry he's dead and all but that wasn't the part of the article that grabbed me.  His surviving brother, my biological father, now lives in the same county as I do...or did 4 months ago when this obituary was released.

I work at the LARGEST retail store in the county...which means that odds are heavily in favor that I've seen him and not even known it...and I have no idea how that makes me feel.  Wierd, I suppose.

I mean I've never met him, only saw a very old picture once and met his twin once for like 3 minuites when I was 18.  He wasn't a dead-beat dad, though.  He volunteered to leave my life when my mom remarried, to make my little life less complicated...or so my mother tells me.  Not that I doubt her.  When I was in junior high Mom recieved an SSI check in the mail for me drawing on his account.  It paid for my braces.  As far as I know Mom didn't ask him to do that, he just did.  Way back when Mom was going through the divorce she, according to what she told me, asked him to put me on his insurance so I would be covered...and he did.  So he's not a bad person...I've just never met him.

Do I want to meet him?  I don't know.  Learning that his twin passed away certainly gives me food for thought.  I wouldn't object to meeting him and I am curious...in genetic family history if nothing else.  And he lives (possibly) closeby.  I'm 25 and can't say I'm NOT curious about the half of my family I've never met.  Still, though....it's odd.

What do you say to a dude you've never met?

Hi I think I'm your kid?  Somehow I don't think that will go well.

I have a Dad already.  He's not perfect and sometimes (allot of the time) we don't get along...but he's my dad and I love him.

Still, though, would he want to meet me?  I mean 25 years is a long time and maybe he simply doesn't care.  Hell, I usually don't care myself.

I could have seen him every single day and niether of us would have known it.

He could just walk up one day, buy beer and I would have to card him and there we'd be.  I would HAVE to ask, because it's law and then I would see the name and I don't know...what do you say?  Um wow, you're name is Donnie...which is wierd because 25 years ago a dude named Donnie knocked my Mom up with me."

I usually don't dwell on things like this...it's just thrown me for a loop is all.  I wonder if my Mom would know how to get ahold of him after all these years?  I doubt it.  She's remarried (again...yes that makes 3 times) and rarely mentions the fact...I txted her (twice actually) and will find out what she has to say in the morning I suppose.

I guess I will see how things work out.  Maybe it IS time for me to meet him.  I'm an adult and its not like I'm going to ask him why or demand to get to know him and stuff.  Just a meeting.  I mean as far as I know I'm his only kid...  Then again, maybe he's past that part of his life.  I'm over 18 and he's never really had anything to do with me.  That's cool, like I said I have my life and my Dad and he has his kid-free life.  It's worked for 25 years, no reason to change it up now.  It doesn't actually matter one way or another...still though, I am curious.

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