well well well...
i'm finally finished with my finals and 5 term papers so i have a chance to sit down and write about my past two weeks...
two weeks ago i was going offline for about 5 days to write these papers then i would have just finals this week to deal with...
unfortunately the nasty bug that attacked my body with the bronchitis, ear infection, and salivary gland infection had one more go at me with a bladder infection turned kidney infection
i was put in the hospital on mother's day and stayed overnight being given antibiotics and pain medication through an iv...
i came home monday the 12th to four more days of bedrest
and friday when i logged on to catch up on my journal...
i found a lovely email from live journal abuse advising me that my account had been permenantly suspended...
ok so one more thing now to deal with is find out why and get it fixed...
so i fired off an email to lj abuse to ask them why then an email to my professors to request a week extension on my papers
lj abuse answered me that i had been suspended for violating a cease and desist order and i had made a post about *gasp*
nathanr i wrote back to lj abuse...
i would have to look way back to see the last time i mentioned that slimey scum but i had to be last year (and it is just now an issue?)...
but in addition to that i reminded them that when
tommyx finally cleansed lj of the slime that oozed he also lifted the cease and desist order so frankly (not that i want to often but) any time i want to i can say
nathanr nathanr nathanr nathanr deal with it
my dear and wonderful friend vix, told
tommyx who made a comment on my lj abuse ticket to confirm what i had told lj abuse about the cease and desist being lifted...
but lj abuse closed that abuse ticket citing that due to multiple posters (me and
tommyx) that the security of my abuse ticket was compromised (meaning that they were starting to look like idiots that didn't know what they were doing) and they asked me to open a new ticket and provide the documentation but not show anyone the abuse ticket (again so no one could see what idiots they are since they already had their documentation)...
good grief!!
so while we (
tommyx and i) were looking for our copies of this well over a year old email stating that he had lifted the cease and desist i asked
tommyx to write an email which i pasted with the headers confirming the information...
still my account remained suspended...
and i had four finals and 5 papers to do during all this...
as much as i love lj that really wasn't my priority this past week...
tommyx did come through with the original email which was forwarded to lj abuse...
(now keep in mind they already had a personal post from
tommyx and a forwarded email with headers from him but my account remained suspended)
so now i'm unsuspended...
it took them long enough...
i can only guess about what happened...
you see i wrote some factual posts about
nathanr i pasted his own public posts into my journal and exposed him for the abuser of women that he is...
he kicked his feet
he pounded his fists
he demanded that i remove them
he harassed me
but i stood my ground
he did not just harass me but so many others that lj finally booted him out of lj
he's tried to sneak back in many times
and he has journals at other sites
but he is obsessed with anything that's posted that makes him look bad...
the truth is he looks bad because he is
the truth is he looks bad because it is his own words that prove that is so
and i suspect that he has written lj abuse repeatedly hoping to find new people that he could convince that he is the victim
with the recent change in lj management it appears he was sucessful...
for about a week...
:)) but not anymore
as you can see my journal has been unsuspended...
and lj abuse has sent me a much deserved apology...
i want thank my dear friend vix for letting
tommyx know what was going on...
i especially want to thank
tommyx for coming to bat for me on this...
he didn't have to and he did and to me that says a lot
thank you thank you thank you tommy!!!!!
and my boyfriend was my lifesaver in this as he monitored my email for me so i could concentrate on getting these papers written and i could study for my finals
i'm very lucky to be able to count on you guys...
also thanks
shann and
i saw the comments you made about my suspension and i appreciate the concerned thoughts you sent my way...
i found out i could log in and read my friends but i couldn't make any comments while i was suspended...
man was i ever frustrated!
and thank you all for not removing me while i was gone
you know you love me!