Jan 29, 2004 20:52
1.What time is it?: 8:33 PM
2. Name: Janet
3. Name as it appears on birth certificate: Janet Lynn Dyson
4. Nicknames: cracker ( From Tony) midget(Jayson...i think), and some other name from Josh
5. Number of candles on your last birthday cake: 15
6. Birthday: May 16,1988
7. Pets: 2dogs and a cat ( 1 dog is Christina's...i hate it)
8. Hair color: brown
9. Piercing: 2 in each ear, 1 at the top of my left ear, and i just got my nose pierced
10. Any tattoos: No, but i want one
11. How much do you love your job: I dont have one...2 young...:-/
12. Hometown: Daphne, Alabama
13. Birthplace: Fairhope, Alabama
14. Favourite Food: Steak, Chicken, or Chinese
15. Been to Africa? Uhh, no!!
17. Love someone so much it made you cry? yes!!!
18. Do you have a crush now, and with whom? yes... Tony.
19. Been in a car accident? Not that I can think of..
20. Croutons or bacon bits? bacon bits
21. Favourite day of the week: Friday and Saturday
22. Favourite word or phrase:
23. Favourite restaurant: I like O'Charlies, and The Grand Buffet
24. Favourite flower: I dont really like flowers....weird, i know...
25. Favourite sport to watch: I hate sports!!
26. Favourite drink: Rootbeer
27. Favourite ice cream: i'm not an ice-cream fan, but chocolate is good.
28. Disney or Warner Bros: Disney
29. Favourite fast food restaurant: McDonald's
30. What colour is your bedroom carpet: Well, it is supposed to be blue but it is so old ( as old as the house...almost 13 years), but there are so many stains on it so umm i dont know anymore
31. How many times did you fail your driver's test: freaking 3 and i still dont have it. Screw them! I dont care anymore! I suck at any kind of test!
32. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card at: Wal*Mart, or some stores at the mall.
33. Most annoying thing people ask me:
34. Bedtime: When my mom tells me to go to bed- usuall 10 on school nights and weekends 11 or after 12
35. What are your parents names? Cathy and Tommy- ( but they are divorced)
36. Favourite TV show: That 70's show, 7th Heaven, or something with the Olsen twins
37. Last person you went out to dinner with: My Tru Sister Friend, Christina! ( step-sister) We went to the Grand Buffet for Chinese food tonight. :-)
38. Chevy or Ford: Umm, not Ford and i dont know about Chevy
39. Time you finished this e-mail: 8:50