A ring thingy(taken from Scarbie)

Aug 12, 2007 09:47

Each player should post these rules first. Each blogger lists 8 random facts about themselves or their habits. At the end of their list should be the people who they are tagging! Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them that you have tagged them.

1.  I have this thing about seeing a t.v. series, anime, movie series, manga, books, etc, in order. I can't just go and read volume 2 and then go back to volume one. It's not that it confuses me but I prefer to go along with the story in the linear way(even if it jumps around alot)

2. I love tea! Tea Tea Tea!!!! TEATEATEA . I'll go to the dollar store and get like 5 dollars worth of tea bags and go through them in about a month.

3.  I am on a quest to finish my collections of my current manga/anime/t.v. shows and novels. I just finished the Revolutionay Girl Utena manga series(when the other 2 books arrive)

4. I'm pretty much "queer" in every sense of the word. That's all I could think of.

5. It feels like I don't get enough sleep.even if I sleep in, I wake up a bit groggy.

6. My parents and I are hippies without the tie-dye.

7.  I give strange, random names to my electronic devices. My laptop's named Pyo-Pyo-chan and my iPod is RopoMatsu.

8. 13 and 666 are my lucky numbers!
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