
Jul 15, 2005 16:07

Good news ladies!

Our dorm has a microwave now *claps hands* thanks to the funds of one Miss Lyndsey. Our kitchen which first started off with a turned off stove and no microwave no has a microwave and 3 George Foreman's. Yes, that's right. Three George Foreman's. So we went grocery shopping and everything so we can be set for weeks. Due to our extreme need to eat. We are all broke. Like official college students.

Oh my god I just got a C- on my homework today. I should be all pissed and what not, but I know I slapped it together, I was goign through shit yesterday, but foreal foreal even if I hadn't done it at 2 in the morning I still would've gotten a C. I suck at drawing. I love my teacher though. I think I'll survive.

Man, yesterday I was so pissed though cuz the dumbass bank had frozen my account cuz I'm in Philly spending all my money instead of in Virgina, but still I need my damn money. a) I'm in Philly and I got shit I wanna buy, b) I'm in Philly and got shit I need to by like food, water, art supplies c) It was convient as hell. So that whole sitch had me pissed for half the night.

Then like I got online and only Frankie was on. I love the girl, but I got online to talk to Robin and her scrumptous ass wasn't there. Not that I wasn't tryna talk to you Lemmy...well hey I can talk to you on the phone. Robin's people are pissed about her phone bill. I digress. I got online to talk to her and she wa sMIA so I was a little miffed to say the least. I'm having Robin withdrawl. I haven't seen her since I left and haven't spoken to her by phone or text in 2 whole days. I'm dying! *screams in agony*

The whole point is those two things combined made me frustrated, distracted and unmotivated. But because it was imperative that I turned in something I slapped it together.

So other than that dorm life has gotten better. Oh and lemme tell you just incase I did'nt say it before, the girls, are muy caliente around these parts. I am dead serious and some of these chicas in here during the summer are only 16 though, but cuz of that soem of them are such scensters. I know it's an arts school, but not everything should be about people cool and fashionable. I must admit I strut too, but I do it better cuz I'm me and that's all I'm gonna say about that. Like wha tthe fuck is the deal with all these 16 and 17 year old kids smoking round here? For shame! It is like a social thing it seems cuz all the "cool kids" (scensters)hang out just in front of the campus having a group smoke and play bongos and shit at liek 10 at night. Some of them are pretty cool though, but they won't be hear in the fall. They'll only be high school seniors which is actually cooler cuz they're able to experience all of this stuff before they even send out applications.

But lemme go! Jeremy wants me to find out if Cat is madly in love with him too cuz as I guessed Cat is the next woman if choicce that might get the curse or privledge depending on how you look at it, to be crushed on by mister Jeremy Davis.

I'll holla.
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