The Falcon leaves Tatooine in a hurry -- everyone is eager as hell to get off the dustball of a planet -- and while Luke and the R2 unit head to someplace else, they're headed back to the Rebel Fleet.
Lando flies, since Han still can't see. Chewie spends a few hours resting in his bunk in one of the upper cargo holds, rather than the crew quarters since he's so tall. Leia stays up front with Threepio and Lando while Han takes the time to sit alone in the quarters after he grabs a shower in the 'fresher.
His eyes aren't all there, yet, but they're coming back to him, slowly.
Han ends up in his bunk -- they haven't touched it, save for changing the sheets now and then -- and opens the storage spots by feel. The bottle of Whyren's is still there, and so is the little plush robot. That seems like a lifetime ago.
Stuck in a carbon-brick in Jabba's den of smugglers.
When they reach the fleet, the Falcon docks in a hangar bay on the command ship and Leia helps him along the halls to the shuttle bay. It's a quick ride across to the medical frigate and they check his eyes, check his vitals, give him a few shots for some reason, and then they ship him back to the command ship.
He feels like a number as he's lead around, but things start to get clearer over the next few hours.
After a few hours of sleep, he opens his eyes and blinks at the ceiling, at the lights overhead.
There's a knock on the door.
"Captain Solo?"
"Mon Mothma and General Madine would like to see you, on the bridge, sir."
Han feels his eyes snap open as he sits up out of bed. "Yeah, uh, tell her I'll be right up," he says, before he quickly climbs out of the bunk and rubs his hands over his face. He studies his hands, the details on his fingers, the scars and the color, and smiles when he can see all of it. It doesn't take long to get dressed and it feels good to be wearing his bloodstripes again, with the holster at his thigh.
He walks quickly, through the ship, to the bridge where both of them are waiting.
"Captain Solo," Mon Mothma studies him a moment once he steps into the room. "I see you're feeling better."
"Yes, ma'am," he says quietly. "I'm not quite sure what they gave me over in medical but it cleared my vision up just fine."
"Good," and it's an honest smile on her face, but soon she's grown a bit serious. "I'm sure you understand what's at stake, here."
Han looks at Madine, then back at Mothma. "I'm not sure what you're talking about."
"We've gotten word of the Death Star's location and plans that indicate a critical error in the construction," she continues. "It won't be easy, by any means, and we're looking at two of our generals to lead the attack, one with a flight squadron and another with a ground assault. The shield generator must be deactivated in order to allow us to penetrate the defenses of the Death Star and destroy it."
"So you want me to fly on the attack squadron," he assumes.
"No." It's General Madine who cuts in, as he steps forward. "Calrissian has volunteered to lead the fighter attack on the Death Star, and is assembling his own squadron, and give the recommendation you gave us regarding his skills, we feel he's the best fit."
"Oh," and then it hits him. Lando is a general then. And most likely because Han mentioned the way that Lando flew back at Taanab. So he'll be the one flying while Han is...
"Captain Solo," Mon Mothma speaks up again, as she steps forward. "General Calrissian will be leading the fighter group during the Death Star attack. Given your qualifications and the things I've heard about your...tenacity," she smiles at him, a bit. "I believe it is in the best interests of the Rebellion if you were the one leading the ground assault strike on the shield generator."
Han blinks a few times. "You just said you wanted a general to be leading the attacks."
It's Madine who laughs first. "You may have been blind, but you didn't go deaf in that carbonfreeze, Solo," the man gives him a grin and a hand on the shoulder.
"I did," Mothma agrees. "Which is also why I believe it is in the best interest of the Rebellion if you were promoted to General as well. You've shown us that you are more than capable at leading others and that you're dedicated to the cause."
"I..." Han shakes his head. "I...I don't know what to say."
Madine looks at him, then looks at the older woman before he nods. "Yes you do."
Han thinks on it a moment, before he looks at Mon Mothma and then nods his head. "I'll lead the strike team for the assault on the generator."
"Excellent," she presses her hands together and then nods her head. "We'll need you to assemble the team at once and prepare for the attack. General Madine will provide you with the plans and blueprints of the generator facility and any other information you think will aid you and your team."
"I'll have an intel droid deliver the information to your quarters, Solo," he says. "Along with anything else you think you'll need?"
He thinks for a minute, then nods. "I'll need a list of the gear available to make sure we've got what it'll take to take down that generator and deactivate the shield," he says, as he thinks. "And I'd like a copy of the latest flight simulator software for the fighters. The ones we'll be having the pilots run prior to the briefing."
When they both look at him, a bit funny, Han shrugs. "I'm a pilot. I'm curious?"
Mothma nods her head, with a bit of a smile on her face. "If that's all, then you're dismissed, General."
Han nods and then stands at attention and salutes, before he turns and strides out of the room and off the bridge, heading back for his bunk and his quarters.
He's a general.
For once in his life, Han Solo is at a loss for words.