OMG I'm going to scream!!!

Apr 18, 2006 18:12

*builds up all her anger*

I just want to scream!

I Download MARS the live Drama (got the first episode and working on loading the second)
and everything was cool! They had the whole thing from the first few pages on how they meet then when Rei (forgot the new name they gave him) is leaving the guy from the hospital gives him the keys to his bike. This was real emotional for me. It's like... I don't know! But you know what I mean it's 'their' bike. Then the song starts playing as he's going down the ride and they cut back to the guy in the hospital and he's upset and just as it really is getting to me...

They start doing this... it's like they show the whole show in that fast-forward-hitting-all-the-big-moments!

This. Is. When. I. Wanted. To. Scream!

I mean if they showed it at the end then, ya! That would have been cool, total cry fest. I mean if you hadn't see the manga you would know these sense but still! Showing them is like telling you where the killer is in a movie. You're going to now and not be scared as much when he comes out.

I want to say more but I should't rowan it for the rest of you guys so I'll stop, here. But I'll leave you with this. When the guys crying take 'note' to the background. Nothing really big but I... well, noted it.

you know I comment a lot on this place


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