I can't sleep. Nothing too new or exciting about that. I finished summer school on Friday and I will be moving into my new place later today, yea in about 8 hours or so. I'm quite excited. I was worried that the people there wouldn't move out until sometime after the 1st, they seemed like a bunch of free loaders. Maybe they could sneak on by with staying a few extra days on the new guys rent cuz maybe he's like most people and won't be around till school starts. Apparently they moved out today but I took a peek in through the window the place is fucking messy. I think it's real stupid to have a 1 year lease without at least a week for the landolrds to clean up. They should make it a 51 week rent.
Things have been exactly the same as they have recently. I've grown to live with it. I have taken some time out and thought about what I want to do with my future, ya know after graduation. My summer grades should be pretty good, I am expecting at least 2 B's and a C, maybe even an A. I'm still going to U of I again, I am not looking forward to it at all. Hopefully in the spring I will be back at WSU if my grades next semester are good.
Ok so about this post-graduation stuff, yea as girly as it sounds my hope was to have a gf or so and move back over to the west side n start work, living with DiRK or whoever, and either working with my father or some engineering company. So far no girlfriend, DiRK is graduating a semester or two before me, I don't want to come back and work with my father (he's a great guy n all but the work he does, he doesn't need me necessarily, he needs to hire management help). My father doesn't trust anyone but myself and him to run his soon to be three businesses. He's got that mechanic shop, a tow truck company and now is going into the rhinolining business.
I figure the job market out right now isn't all that great especially for starting engineers, and you never know whats out there. I have a plan that is not quite finalized but it is at least solid. About two years ago I was considering joining the marines, and I was (as the popular expression goes) THIS close in doing so, and I'm serious. I recieved information about OCS (officers canidates school) for the USMC. Basically since I am a college student I can apply for this program which is not just offered to everyone. What happens is I go to Virginia to train for two 6 week courses or one 10 week course (something like that) during my summers. I finish up college and once I've done so I am asked (no obligation) if I would like to join the Marines. If I do so then I do my service and they will pay for me to go back to college n whatnot. This is great because not only will they pay for it, but I can also work in the military as an engineer, get my engineering career started there. Plus I go in the Marines as an officer, not as enlisted so my VIP status starts high. As an officer more doors are left open for me both in the military and when I leave.
It's not just a fling, ever since I was in HS I've always wanted to join the Marines. My father was a Marine for several year and he's never pressured me into doing so. But it is an interest that I've taken quite seriously lateley. Ok so my story on how I was THIS close. Well I applied for OCS during my sophomore year, I met with a recruiter and we did all the paperwork n such. This was nearing the end of the school year so I would have left for Virginia for boot camp/training in about a month. At the time I was still recovering from a HS football injury in my right foot. Still wasn't quite sure what it was but I had a very painful sore behind my big toe and so I had to limp around for a year n a half. My ability to run was very poor, so I didn't and I got out of shape. I asked the recruiter about the length of the runs and he told me that the max for OCS is like 5 miles. Well I could barely run a mile, how the hell was I supposed to do 5 miles... weekly!!! I told him that I probablly shouldn't do it because I wouldn't be able to make it on my foot.
Right now I've been working out somewhat regularly and my foot hasn't bothered me hardly at all, so my plan is for next semester I will start my training and working out again but be more strict about it. Continue it through the Fall semester, once Spring semester comes around if I can sucessfully complete endurance jogs (I've always been a sprinter not a long distance runner) which will be a huge challange for me, then I will apply for OCS at the beginning of my Spring semester and go for the 10 week course during the summer of 06. I probablly won't bring the topic of this up to too many people because my life might change between now and Spring 06, I don't want to mislead people into thinking that I am going to do something that I am not. But this is what I want to do and I know that with the way things are going now it is my best option.
Sure I'll be gone in the military and away from all my friends. I know I'll miss them but it's not like I am going away for ever. My buddy metro told me the other day when I brought this up, that he didn't want me going into the Marines cuz they are the first to go in, and last to come out. I understand that, I know exactly what they do, he said that if I was going into the military I should go into the Air Force, I'd be safer he didn't want to see Hoss die. It made me kinda sad, and I totally understand where he's comming from, but thats the way life goes. I don't want to die anytime soon, I'd miss out on so much, but freedom doesn't come free.
Ok so if you have actually made it to the end of this long ass post then kudos to you. I hate making these long ass journal posts because I hate to read other peoples long ass journal posts and I feel as if am doing something that I hate what other people do. Well I won't read any of this shit till I'm all old n wrinkled so until then I'll write em as long as I want. Still kudos to you...
Oh and don't forget our