May 13, 2009 22:36
My dad called to tell me that Dustin (my sister's boyfriend and the father of my newphew, Waylon) hit my sister today. My sister called the police on him and they said there isn't anything they can do. I think my sister is lying to me. I don't think she called the police. If she didn't I hope that the police aren't that stupid in the small town where she lives. I asked her if she wanted me to come get her and she said yes. As soon as I got the time off from work she told me to wait until tomorrow and she'll let me know then if she wants to come back to mn. I know she won't come back. He will hit her again. I told her that. I told her if he hits Waylon there will be big problems that I won't even describe here in this entry because it would be incriminating.
I just hope she gets her head out of her ass.