Joey and they're not gay. lol. They're 2 cute!
Our former youth pastor Jeremy. We love you,Jeremy! We miss you!
Jake, some dude whose name I don't know, Bryce, and Gavin. Jake and Bryce are in this local band called
Shaken. Jake and that dude aren't regulars. They're just in the pic.
Bryce and Gavin trying to look emo.
Bryce and Gavin lookin' emo again. Gavin looks like he's fixin' to barf though.
Jaime lookin' emo. I have a lot of "emo" ppl in my youth group. Lol.
Jaime's g/f Marissa.
Denise texting in church. Look, she's wearing out t-shirt. We are G.A.F.( God's Armed Forces).
Me and Walt at his little birthday celebration we had for him. He's so cool.
This is Joey and Ashley. Ashley is in Memphis Mastor's Commission. She payed a visit the other day.
Me and Bryce with his base that he just bought. He was so proud. =)
These I took at a concert the other day. Bryce plays with Shaken, Keith and Justin play in Fight to Die, and my friend Robert plays with Edison Blueprint.
This is Robert and Bryce.
Justin and Kim. They are so cute together!
Rachel and Marissa.
Fight to Die with Keith and Justin.
Close up of Justin on his bass.
Bryce and Zach.
Shaken. This is Jake on the left and Bryce on the right.
Fight to Die again.
Shaken again. Bryce, James on the mic and Tommy on the guitar.
Dean on the drums. He plays for Shaken.
Robert and Bryce looking quite gay. lol
This is my friend Will lookin' rap...or tryin' to be.
This is Joey.
Joey and Tracie. Tracie is from Memphis Master's Commission. She's here for the summer to help with our youth.
Joey and Me.
This is John.Will says"He is veerrry hott!"
Tracie and Shelby is that growth on her arm.
Paige. She's not really mad.
Brian and Robert at Days Inn.
Michael and Jonathan.
Joey Rodriguez. He's so cool.
That's it for now. Will post more in future.