My Current Personality.

Feb 18, 2010 11:42

About the ENTP Expert Quotes & Links

"ENTPs are idea people. Their perceptive abilities cause them to see possibilities everywhere. They get excited and enthusiastic about their ideas, and are able to spread their enthusiasm to others. In this way, they get the support that they need to fulfill their visions"
- Portrait of an ENTP (The Personality Page)

"It is so natural for these individuals to practice devising gadgets and mechanisms, that they start doing it even as young children. And they get such a kick out of it that they really never stop exercising their inventive bent"
- The Portrait of the Inventor Rational (Keirsey)

"ENTPs are usually verbally as well as cerebrally quick, and generally love to argue--both for its own sake, and to show off their often-impressive skills... argument as a sport."
- ENTP Profile (TypeLogic) "ENTPs contribute an innovative, versatile, and enterprising approach to work. They view limitations as challenges to be overcome and look for new ways to do things. They need to find a niche for themselves in order to be free to maneuver. They prefer the start-up phase of a project rather than the followthrough or maintenance phase. Once the project is designed, they prefer to turn it over to someone else."
- ENTP - The Innovator (Lifexplore)

"...attention seeking, experience junky, insensitive, adaptable, not easily offended, messy, carefree, dangerous, fearless, careless..."
- Jung Type Descriptions (ENTP) (

ENTP Career Matches

ENTPs are often happy with the following jobs which tend to match well with the Originator/Intellectual personality.

Computer Programmer
Computer Analyst
Systems Analyst
Sales Representative

  • In national sample "Leisure Activities," overrepresented in "Taking classes, going to school," "Writing," "Playing sports," "Playing with computers or video games"
  • Underrepresented in "Watching TV 3 or more hours per day."
  • Academic subjects preferred: art, science.
  • 1 of 2 types most frequent among college alcohol policy violators.
  • In national sample, highest of all types in liking work environment characteristics "Independence & achievement" and "Opportunities for advancement & high pay, but not job security" and including "Variety of tasks" and "Clear structure" among top 3 characteristics
  • 1 of top 3 types liking "International opportunities" as a characteristic.
  • Most important feature on an ideal job: creativity and originality.
  • In national sample, dissatisfied with "Promotions," "Opportunities to use talents," and "Salary" in their work.
  • In national sample, among those types most dissatisfied with their work and among those with the highest income.
  • With ENFPs, had highest mean level of coping resources.
  • Overrepresented among those having Type A behavior.
  • In national sample, highest in coping with stress by "Confronting the problem."
  • In national sample, ranked lowest in "Ever had heart disease/hypertension."

psychology, personality, 2010, survey

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