10 Minute Blog-Update

Feb 12, 2010 03:20

Well, I am back from my mom's house.  I stayed there two days, and went on a extra long bus ride, because I have to go through two entire routes before going home.

I helped my mom with her budget, and I figured out her property tax problem in 5 minutes that she had been struggling over for 4 days. . . I called the number on the bill and calmly chatted with the secretary. . . they got new accounting programs for the bills and they send us the wrong account we were to be billed. I even made sure my mom was in the same program that my grandma was in.

Now I have to find a local lawyer that will read the will for basically nothing, and work on the Mortage. (I am still amazed on who would have given a 70 year old woman, who wasn't right in the head, a mortage. . . grrr. For that mistake alone we should have that dropped.)

Anyway, I also got yelled at by my lawyer, who never really gave a shit about me. . . he only did the case, because of my father. Most of those people don't know what my father was really like: they have no fucking idea. If I ever need a "real" I would find something and sell it just to find someone else: someone who actually cares about winning a case. . . not just trying to settle on a "no Contest" plea. I didn't do the crime, but I swear the lawyer was friends with the cops that questioned me. (He almost dropped me, because he believed that I really was guilty. My own fucking lawyer honestly doubted his own client: he should have retired when his wife died. He needs to retire, and fucking leave me alone.)

I also tried talking to my mom and uncle about getting a job, because I know they need them. . . everytime I mention something, they strike it down with excuse after excuse. I am trying my best with what limited skills they have and yet I believe a piece of them doesn't want to work. . .

I am working on my book and trying to fight being everyone's everything.

job, bitch, frustrations, family, past, worries, analyzing, angry, 2010, insanity, mom, weakness, thoughts, ten minute blogs, stress, drama, money, venting, depressed

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