Jan 20, 2010 18:23
I just got back from getting my books & DVDs from the bookmobile, and I just found out they are having cut back as well. They are only visiting every other week. (I know it's better than never, but it was easier to know that every Wedneday that was bookmobile day.)
I just feel that since November of 2008 we have all gone down on everything. . . I think all governments whether local or federal are hiding money and pocketing it for themselves, because they know it's only going to get worst. I think that this economy would get better if I more people got money for businesses and less money for going to school on degrees that are going to get them going in circles. I mean I understand school is important, but the two guidance counselors I had in college had me in so many circles with adding and subjecting class to my major that I eventual said "fuck it," and got a basic degree. My friend went to one of those 18 month schools where they would job place you: She graduated head of her class and spent $2500 in tuition plus books and gas to gt back and forth and they are still looking for a job for her. (And she graduated in 2008. . . )
I also think that if you are going to give money to big companies to hire more people they actually have to be reasonably qualified for the job. I don't mean hire your niece or you best friend because they need a job, as you know that the man you just interviewed could easily handle that job and help the company make a profit. I am so sick of the world being in all of who you know when 75% of people only want to either abuse or use you or both. I used to be trusting, and sweet and kind, but this world has completely worn me down. . . unless you know somebody or you have a good "body" then you are a "nobody." Nobodies in this corrupted world are completely invisible.
First, I am losing our local bussing system, then the bookmobile what next I can use TP without being taxed. . . I know where I can put my sh*t. . . grrrr.
I am just sick to death of the government on the TV saying that they are trying to help out, but they don't understand the average Joe.
If you want the economy to work better, give more money to the programs and businesses so they can hire more qualified people . . . so more people can make more money and therefore use the money on the economy.
I guess I have to figure out a plan for congress as well won't I. . . My problem is I could never really do politics, because I don't believe in secrets and I say things as they should be said.
no nerves,