Jun 29, 2009 18:15
Everyone seems to be talking about it . . . Michael Jackson died over the weekend. The pop star died of heart related problems. Of course everyone is coming out of the wood work saying stories about him . . . Yeah when I was young girl the music video "Thriller" scared me. . .yeah, yeah. I got over it.
I know he made millions and was a music icon, but after I found he molested kids he disguested me, and I had no respect for him as a man. He was man or boy way before he was Pop Music Legend.
I think the media had taken his death and stretched it out in every direct that they possibly can to make that extra buck. Some claim he was still breathing . . . he can't be breathing when they do an autopsy. Then they did a second autopsy to find drugs . . . oh yeah that is orginal. . . . do you want to know how many other people have died with drugs in their systems.
He hadn't been making music lately anyway, so we are going to missing old music that many people have forgotten about after the whole case where he molestered the children. (I know he had a bad past, but there was no reason to mess up some other kids.)
Please let the poor man die already. . . let him Rest in Peace (RIP).