October Updates: Family Drama and Halloween

Oct 27, 2012 10:41

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Top Headlines: Hiding From the Drama

There has been a lot that has gone on.
September, we went to the zoo. It was bittersweet, because I saw only one my favorite animals. I saw the Loin and he kept turning his tail to the crowd. I didn't see to see the polar bears as they were working on the exhibit. The black and bears would walk back into the cave whenever I spoke. (True story.) I heard the tiger, but by the time we got to the exhibit they had to take the animals in. They got rid of the penguin exhibit, and I couldn't find an owls. It was still fun. Tom had never been to a zoo, so it was really cool to see his reaction.

I busted myself to find a nice dress, which ripped, because Tom's friend's dogs. Tom had to borrow clothes and now I think he likes to whole dress up thing. We did all of this because we arranged to go to my grandparents' 50th wedding anniversary party. However in March I dyed my hair super bright red, and it faded with streaks of pink and didn't have money or time to redye it before the party.

So we get to the party and this what my grandmother said to me:
“Hi Becky, How are you? I hate your hair.” Then both of my grandparents seem to avoid me like the plague throughout the party. They didn't want me in anyone of the pictures with them. At the end of the night, the only words my grandfathers says to me were yelling me for the DJ, because he was taking things down and they were timed. (There is more but I will post this in section Soap Opera.)

Health News

I've been having weird dreams of my own death or miscarriages. I'm not sure why. I just know that it's been hard to sleep a straight 7 hours or more. It's been sleep 4 hours, up 3 hours and then sleep 4 again. I know this isn't good: I need to get some straight sleep.

I also haven't been into that many pictures lately, because I keep breaking out. I wash my face and it doesn't help. I wonder if it is stress.

Writing and Arts

I know in August I had a lot of goals for writing like the second set of 50 Posts. I haven't gotten to it, because LJ was giving me problems with loading my posts. (I will probably even have problems posting this one. However I had problems posting on wordpress account yesterday as well, so I am wondering if Internet Explorer 8 is giving me problems. However I just don't want to download IE 9 just yet. Actually, that is annoying on how it seems you have to update everything every other week, but that is a whole other blog.)

It is almost that time again. . . the time where I forget most of the world and work constantly on my writing projects. This time is known a NaNoWriMo. . . National Novel Writing Month. I'm excited as I have been waiting all year to lock myself up for several hours a day doing sprint after word sprint slowly allowing my story to come together.

I love it when my characters and my muses just agree, and I just allow the story to come to life. I appreciate my boyfriend being so patient with me during all of this and now this year he has idea and wants to work too. (Now I realized I will have to share the computer, so I will have to really schedule myself and use all the time I have with the computer very wisely.)

I am nervous and excited; I have to challenge myself to keep my writing with so many hours and I gave myself two projects. I am rebelling on both as I have already started writing on both, but I know I can get 50K on each project.

Project 1: Driving Lies, a thrilling novel I started last year about a murderer who kills off a family that ruined his life. I have about five chapters in Part 2 to finish and all of Part 3. However my outline from last year is so precise that I should be able to just dive into the deep end and start writing. (It started a movie script I wrote in high school.)

Project 2: The Crimson Shadow Collection: Melzela, is book one of seven in my vampire series. I have a huge story-line about a family of about 75 vampires. I feel you need to bring the horror, seduction, and the power back into the children of the night. (I have been working on this idea from the character sketches, outlines, and family trees since before the first Twilight movie has come out. I feel that NaNoWriMo is going to be that push to get at least one of the book finished. I wanted this book from page 1 to end on my computer before Dec 31, 2012 and if I play my cards right I will get it done a month early.)

Local Fun

We explored several haunted locations. Tom had to get out of the car and risk his life. If something ever happened to him; I will haunt him the rest of his afterlife.

We went to a cemetery that has a witch's ball which was supposed to be the opposite temperature as the weather. However I was disappointed, because it was cold outside and it was cold on the ball.

There was a local tunnel that was supposed to push your car in neutral. However he didn't honk and we weren't there at midnight. Tom got pictures, we believe with orbs in them.

I have been getting my writings together for NaNoWriMo; I'm finish up two projects, but I am trying to get 50k on both of them. My goal for NaNoWriMo is 100,000 words on two project wish me luck.

Tom and I are reading Anne Rice's book Pandora and I really like it so far. I just feel like the style is similar to my own.

Dear Me

Dear Me

Just say “Fuck it,” and enjoy life. If someone lectures you, say “Fuck it!” If someone yells at you for trying to help them, say “Fuck it!” If someone doesn't like you or won't accept you, say “Fuck it!” You are an awesome person and it's their lost.

Next month just focus on writing and enjoy what you do. Only you can make you happy!


Myself and I

Laughter is the best medicine

Humor is divided into three categorizes: Family, Halloween, and writing


Mother: "Are you talking back to me?!"

Son: "Well yeah, that's kinda how communication works."


Little Johnny came home from school and heard the word "b*tch." He asks his mom what the word meant and she responds, "It means priest." The next day little Johnny comes home and hears the word "sh*t" and asks his dad what it means. His dad answers, "It means food on the table." At school, he hears the word "f*cking" and asks his mom what it means. She responds, "It means getting ready." The next day a priest came over for dinner and little Johnny opened the door and says, "Hey son of a b*tch. There's sh*t on the table and my parents are upstairs f*cking!"


Costume Party

A couple was invited to a swanky masked Halloween Party. She got a terrible headache and told her husband to go to the party alone. He, being a devoted husband, protested, but she argued and said she was going to take some aspirin and go to bed, and there was no need of his good time being spoiled by not going. So he took his costume and away he went.

The wife, after sleeping soundly for one hour, awakened without pain, and as it was still early, she decided to go to the party. In as much as her husband did not know what her costume was, she thought she would have some fun by watching her husband to see how he acted when she was not with him.

She joined the party and soon spotted her husband cavorting around on the dance floor, dancing with every nice chick he could, and copping a little feel here and a little kiss there. His wife sidled up to him and being a rather seductive babe herself, he left his partner high and dry and devoted his time to the new stuff that had just arrived.

She let him go as far as he wished; naturally, since he was her husband. Finally he whispered a little proposition in her ear and she agreed, so off they went to one of the cars and had a little bang.

Just before unmasking at midnight, she slipped away and went home and put the costume away and got into bed, wondering what kind of explanation he would make for his behavior.

She was sitting up reading when he came in and asked what kind of a time he had. He said, "Oh, the same old thing. You know I never have a good time when you're not there."

Then she asked, "Did you dance much?"

He replied, "I'll tell you, I never even danced one dance. When I got there, I met Pete, Bill Brown and some other guys, so we went into the den and played poker all evening. But I'll tell you... the guy I loaned my costume to sure had a real good time!"


A writer died and was given the option of going to heaven or hell.

She decided to check out each place first. As the writer descended into the fiery pits, she saw row upon row of writers chained to their desks in a steaming sweatshop. As they worked, they were repeatedly whipped with thorny lashes.

“Oh my,” said the writer. “Let me see heaven now.”

A few moments later, as she ascended into heaven, she saw rows of writers, chained to their desks in a steaming sweatshop. As they worked, they, too, were whipped with thorny lashes.

“Wait a minute,” said the writer. “This is just as bad as hell!”

“Oh no, it’s not,” replied an unseen voice. “Here, your work gets published.”


There was once a young man who, in his youth, professed his desire to become a great writer.

When asked to define "Great" he said, "I want to write stuff that the whole world will read, stuff that people will react to on a truly emotional level, stuff that will make them scream, cry, howl in pain and anger!"

He now works for Microsoft, writing error messages.


A screenwriter comes home to a burned down house. His sobbing and slightly-singed wife is standing outside. “What happened, honey?” the man asks.

“Oh, John, it was terrible,” she weeps. “I was cooking, the phone rang. It was your agent. Because I was on the phone, I didn’t notice the stove was on fire. It went up in second. Everything is gone. I nearly didn’t make it out of the house. Poor Fluffy is…”

“Wait, wait. Back up a minute,” The man says. “My agent called?”

Soap Operas

There is so much going on with my father's side of the family, so much that if one more thing goes wrong, I dropping everyone. First of all, someone hacked into my brother's facebook and posted that he was gay. (He is one of the straightest guys I know. He just needs to clean up and get his life together before he can get a girl. He has my mother's emotional laziness and fear when it comes to searching for love.) My grandparents read this fake announcement on facebook, it freaked them out so they didn't invite him to the party. That was just really douchy and then my father had to hear lectures on why my deleted his account instead or correct the statement. A few people asked about him and there was no mention about the hacked comment. (In fact, he's on a double date now and I hope it works out for both my brother and his friend.)

Then the day after the party my father went to lunch over my grandparents' house. I didn't get invited. My grandmother complained about my hair to my father who then chewed me out on the phone and then pinned me into being in his wedding. (So now I am playing the avoiding game with him on purpose.)

Oh the family issues, my father is barely divorced over a year, had barely any time by himself, and now is getting married to someone he just met in February. She has my exact first and second name which is really weird. (It feels like I am the dying dog being replaced before I am completely dead.) She is super nice, which can go one of two ways: 1. she is sincere and always get walked over or 2. She has an agenda and is nice because she wants something. (I'm not exactly sure which it yet.)

They are getting married on Dec 22nd, and she has no idea what she getting into with his controlling issues and horrible temper. (It's not my place to warn her, none of his previous wives were warned.) He says he is calm around her, but I believe that will wear off. (My mom said he was calm around her as well at the beginning.) Well, this is in the middle of everything: I have my 30th birthday, Christmas cookies, shopping, Christmas stuff etc. He pressured me into being the wedding and now I am trying to find a dress in my size, in the color “blush” that doesn't make me look pregnant. (I'm not pregnant, but many dresses show my stomach and make me look pregnant. I hate dressing up!)

Normally, I would swallow my bitterness and just help out changing my schedule, but my father is running on two strikes. (He keeps making issues about my hair color, and making me feel like I don't belong in the family as long as my hair is off blond with pink streaks. Then he yells at me when I didn't pick on my cellphone, but I didn't hear it because I was at a Brown's game. Then he keeps beating around the bush with his house. . . I'm to the point if he does one more thing to make me stressed, then I am dropping him. . . temporary or permeate it depends on the circumstances.)

On my mom's side of the family, not much is going on. Mom is actually trying to read through my novel The Whispering Path. Her neighbor said it will be the winter project to read through my book since her backyard is the picture for the cover.

That's it I'm done helping people. I try to help someone, because I didn't want them getting into a situation where they break the rules and actually try to win it the right way . . . and I get chewed out. Then she wanted me to apologize, because she think everyone else is cheating like she is; however, if they were they are not stupid enough to admit it. Normally I don't let this get to me, I would just drop the person off my friend list, but I know if I did then she would make a huge deal about it and we are in a few of the same groups. I also think it's because my nerves are still fried over my family issues. I think she'll just be a victim in one of my books. You know the saying for a writer: “Don't piss me off, or you'll end up in one of my books.” The thing is I write horror and I'm currently working on a vampire novel.

Spiritual Edge

I have two things I've been thinking about Samhain is less than a week away for most people it's just Halloween. However my boyfriend and I it means a lot more, spiritually.

Things that have happened this year

Negative things

1. I know at least seven people who were pregnant and my biological clock kept going off. I feel it's under control as long as I am writing and keeping busy.

2. My cat Mona had died.

3. My brother lost his SS money, because of some transportation problems getting to his doctor.

4. I've had serious depression.

5. My father is losing his house.

6. My mother is have financial issues.

7. Tom found out he has no credit, which is worst than bad credit. It's really hard to buy a house with no credit.

8. We've had at least three major computer viruses and I had to clean out our computer several times over. We still have no sound on our computer.

9. I feel like I am not accepted on my father's side of the family over something as superficial as hair.

10. I felt pressured to be in my father's wedding, but I felt he just ruined my 30th birthday.

Positive things

1. My father found someone special.

2. My brother has supportive friends.

3. I was able to give a cuddly cat a good home. My mom kept Tom's cousin cat Leo and everyone loves him.

4. I published my first novel: The Whispering Path.

5. I look awesome in fire red hair.

6. I've gotten creative in the kitchen.

7. I felt I have been pretty productive.

8. Tom got me new journals and I almost half way through the first one.

9. My mom and her neighbor are both reading my novel.

10. I have fans that enjoy my novel.

I also had gotten a very positive reading about my writing the other day by Kris Austen Radcliff (author and Tarot reader). https://www.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?fbid=280512332068342&set=t.100001196959717&type=3&theater

(I will post in a separate blog.)

I did a general Tarot reading from my Quest deck for next year and this what it said.

1. Situation: 5 of cups: I felt as if the world is crumbling around me. I don't feel any support in friends. I also feel that everyone seems to any of my plans.

2. Influence/Obstacle: 7 of cups: I am day-dreaming too much trying to avoid my stressful life. It makes it hard to see or face reality.

3. Foundation: 8 of cups (reversed): If I stay focused, I can find me at the right at the right time.

4. Past: Son of Swords: I try to be honest and fair when dealing with everything. I've learned most people can't handle honesty and I get burned and used when treating people fairly.

5 Present: Ace of Cups (reversed): I am frustrated, depressed and unhappy at certain things in my life. (If you read this blog, you see this is true.)

6. Future events: Emperor: If I want to achieve something, I have the power to start it and finish it. I could even make profit off it: I have the power!

7. Attitude: 3 of Swords: I am depressed and mourning. Things feel dreary and I have to fight for my feelings.

8. Environment: Hierophant: There is much tradition going on around me, weddings. However it doesn't matter if it crazy or outdated, it will still happen.

9. Hope/fear: 8 of Swords (reversed): I wish people in my life would just let me be who I am and what I want to do. I want to be free and think for myself.

10. Outcome: 3 of Cups: I need to communicate and get support. I also need to watch not to over indulge.

It reminded me of a dream I had where all of my family had died and then I won the lottery, but then I realized I had no one to share it with. I just feel like I can't even look at the cake, whether or not have it and eat it too. I believe I will be successful in my writing, but family life will be Hell.

Rebekah’s News © October 2012

analyzing, creative, updates, tarot, hopeless, spirituality, father, family, nanowrimo, writing

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