I have so many things to write blogs about, I’m not sure where to begin
Okay. . . I’ll start with NaNoWriMo . . .
First of all, I thought it was weird to word count and now I realize it wasn’t a big deal. . . I use to page count, but there are times when you can only get a half of page written, but that could easily be 150-200 words
Secondly I wasn’t really sure if I could write that many words in that short amount of time . . . you would be surprised how short a month really is. However I just let the story guide me. I got to the 50,000 word mark by November 28th with 10 days of being sick, family emergencies, and monthly errands I had to do.
My only issue now is that I’m stuck in the meat of the story. . . I worked so hard on part 1 and 2 and now the last three parts which is really what my story is about is stuck. I also want my paranormal scenes to seem realistic so I am watching my favorite ghostly show: Ghost Adventures. (I have a blog on that show I will write really soon.)
So far my book is 62,000 words, but I see an easy 100,000 before I am done with it. I am page 118 or so. My title is The Whispering Path By Rebekah Wolveire
I plan to work on finishing my novel in January as I plan to pull another month like I did with November. I want to be able to edit it by February and March. (As March is National Novel Editing Month NaNoEdMo). I want it to be ready to publish by April.
Writing Goals for the next four months. . .
Outlines Part 3-5 Dec 27th -Jan 2nd
Write Out Parts 3-5 Jan 3- Jan 31
Edit Book Feb-Mar
Publish Book April
My advice for writing a novel NaNoWriMo:
- Outline, research, and work out your characters enough to let them guide you in your story.
- Just write, don’t go back. It was hard for me, but I focused more on the word count and helped me put my inner editor away.
- Get on NaNoWriMo for encouragement, because there more people in your shoes than you think.
I am also to have a great support system with my family and wonderful boyfriend who kept me going.
I am so working on NaNoWriMo in 2011. It was really fun. I think this year I will make an idea box and really get my research started early. It was really fun and it pushed me on levels and skills I didn’t even know I had.