Learning Lessons from my Novel Writing

Dec 29, 2010 15:38

I have so many things to write blogs about, I’m not sure where to begin

Okay. . . I’ll start with NaNoWriMo . . .

First of all, I thought it was weird to word count and now I realize it wasn’t a big deal. . . I use to page count, but there are times when you can only get a half of page written, but that could easily be 150-200 words

Secondly I wasn’t really sure if I could write that many words in that short amount of time . . . you would be surprised how short a month really is. However I just let the story guide me. I got to the 50,000 word mark by November 28th with 10 days of being sick, family emergencies, and monthly errands I had to do.

My only issue now is that I’m stuck in the meat of the story. . . I worked so hard on part 1 and 2 and now the last three parts which is really what my story is about is stuck. I also want my paranormal scenes to seem realistic so I am watching my favorite ghostly show: Ghost Adventures. (I have a blog on that show I will write really soon.)

So far my book is 62,000 words, but I see an easy 100,000 before I am done with it. I am page 118 or so. My title is The Whispering Path By Rebekah Wolveire

I plan to work on finishing my novel in January as I plan to pull another month like I did with November. I want to be able to edit it by February and March. (As March is National Novel Editing Month NaNoEdMo). I want it to be ready to publish by April.

Writing Goals for the next four months. . .

Outlines Part 3-5       Dec 27th -Jan 2nd

Write Out Parts 3-5 Jan 3- Jan 31

Edit Book                   Feb-Mar

Publish Book             April

My advice for writing a novel NaNoWriMo:
  • Outline, research, and work out your characters enough to let them guide you in your story.
  • Just write, don’t go back. It was hard for me, but I focused more on the word count and helped me put my inner editor away.
  • Get on NaNoWriMo for encouragement, because there more people in your shoes than you think.
I am also to have a great support system with my family and wonderful boyfriend who kept me going.

I am so working on NaNoWriMo in 2011. It was really fun. I think this year I will make an idea box and really get my research started early. It was really fun and it pushed me on levels and skills I didn’t even know I had.

character development, goals, nanowrimo, motivation, secrets, horror, ghosts, writing tips, me, creative, personal greatness, insanity, weakness, lifestyle challenges, freedom, hopes, paranormnal, 30 minute blogs, writings, happiness, word count, love, knowledge, positive thinking, analyzing, stories, 2010, weird analyzing, thoughts, my writings, writing block, writer's block, hopeful, enjoyment

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